Since so much more had been ironed out by the time we arrived at Plasse's Resort, we sort of overlooked the fact that it snowed on the last night at elevations over 8000 feet and that our heater decided to play tricks on us of a kind that we still didn't have the know-how to understand. Whatever the problem was, it affected the fridge too, zapping all our power so that the CO monitor bleeped its heart out at 3a.m. again. We tried to enjoy our last day as we packed to leave!

Glad that you got the problem fixed... FREE too!! Can't beat that.
You were certainly in a beautiful place. I love your meadow zoomies!!!
I'm glad you got things all fixed! What fun you had! I wish I could have been there, too!
I bet woo slept furry furry well each night!
Thanks fur sharing all that fun!
PeeEssWoo: I saw the word SNOW!
Great fun you had! Thanks for sharing your adventure with us!
Avalon and Samantha must have been so tired - bet there was a lot of snoring going on all night:) Happy pups!!! We love how Avalon is so attached to her big sister.
Thanks for sharing another awesome adventure.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We're just catching up - it looks like you had a ton of fun. And Avalon is growing like a weed!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Woof! Woof! You guys truly had so much FUN. It's beautiful ... very jealous of your swimming n zoomies. I am happy you like your new header ... our pleasure to make it for you. Is there a part IV?. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
That looks like sooooo much fun (except for the 3am wake up bleeps)! I love the mountains.
Sage & her Mom
Big smiles seeing all these pix!! Such a beautiful area and so many lakes to explore! Sammie and Av are just the sweetest together :)
Hope to see you SOOOOOOOOOOOOON.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
So much fun and such a beautiful place to camp!!!
Sam & June
Looks like you had a LOT of fun! I love your new page look by the way. :)
I'm glad you had a good time even with the problems. Beautiful place!
It looks like you had such fun despite the bleeps!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Looks like you had a grrreat time, anyway!! Furry pretty scenery!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Sounds like an interesting time with those bleeps!
Glad you had a great time!
Kisses and hugs
We are just now catching up on blogs and read your whole series of RV adventures. Soon, all of this RV stuff will be old hat and you will just go with the flow. Amazing the little things that can go wrong (they are actually quite complex machines), but the tons of talent at any RV park that is very willing and patient to help you figure things out.
Looks like a good time was had by all. Burrr! Ice in the water dish - yikes! I can't tell you how many times we took our 5th wheel back to the dealer for minor fixes. And right before the warranty was up we had them check it over again really good. I am so excited for you in your new adventure. You are all going to have so much fun "making memories". Buying an RV was the best thing we ever did - and we have never regretted it for a second.
The Duchess
So very beautiful!! OH, and the scenery too!!
We could never forget you Samantha!! Our assistant made us take a WHOLE month off from bloggieland, so don't be too hard on your assistant!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo & Jacob
What a great adven=== did you say SNOW?!?!? ===ture.
That looks like a great time, and you can't go wrong with free repairs!
Most awesome excellent adventures -
Ben and the fellas
You're STILL camping? :) We love you guys so we left you a special award this morning. Come visit and check it out!
Hope you like it!
How much fun can two dogs have? A LOT, apparently! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!!
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