I am doing pretty good at Open at this point and have a fun match in a couple of weeks and will let you know all about how it goes. Meantime, we all got to go back to Jones Lake on Saturday for a "Picnic Trial" that would teach us newbies a little about huntin'!

I'm turning this post over to Avalon, cause she really likes this birdie stuff and I like goin' after squirrels and gophers and other fur-things more than the fowl things I'm supposed to like! But just wanna tell ya, above is a pitchur of Jones Lake at 8:00 in the morning. Pretty, eh?

Okay: me, Avalon! Here are summa us getting to know each other before the lessons began. We got to swim a little, which I always love!

Here are some peoples, including my Dad, putting up what looks like a catapult from what I've seen on those "Holy Grail" movies!

Ooops, my bad! More like a "Duck-A-Pult" hahaha!

Okay... now I'm excited. Susan Osborne is quacking like a duck and waving sumpin' in the air. She's got my attention!

Oh man... gotta get that!

Here Ma... want it? Ya gotta chase me to get it hahhaaa!

Okay, ya got it away from me this time... What's Susan got next fur me?

Oh boy! A pigeon! And I am strutting it back to Mom right now!

(I'd really rather have it all to myself, Ma...) Okay, Avalon; time for Moms and Dads to have a picnic! (Mom here: sorry we don't have photos of the swimming after bumpers part...)

We all shared a wonderful lunch. There were two sections of doggies regarding level of talent: beginner/puppy and more advanced doggehs. I was in the puppy group and so was my sis, Sammie. She was not furry interested in anything other than bumpers to chase after in the waters or a birdie wing on land (and she almost ate that heheh!). After our beginner group was done, our teacher, Susan, brought her three doggies out for the more advanced directionals - it look furry hard.
Here she is behind the blind, waiting to be called for action.

After she gives the signal, the duck-a-pult releases a quacker and her pup must remember where it lands. Then she gives the signal to the second duck-a-pulter, who releases the next duck. Susan then signals her doggie to get the first duck, which it gets and brings back to her at heel position - wow! Then...

her pupper gets the second released duck and brings it back (how did she remember where it was?). That was amazing!

Then Susan brings her dog(s) out for the land portion of the show. Again, this time pheasants rather than ducks, her doggies bring back the birdies to her in heel position. Amazing. Maybe someday I can do this? Well... that's what Mom thinks. No matter what... we think Jones Lake rocks! And we also think Susan, our teacher, and Nancy Corbin, who ran the show, also totally rocked! Thanks for giving us a great Saturday!
Oh wow you sure are great at retrieving those birdies Avalon!
Avalon -
Woo are khwite the natural birderGiRl!
Thanks fur sharing!
PeeEssWoo: Woo are a furry good teacher Sammie!
Great retrieving! I would have eaten the birds - so you are definitely a better huntin' dog than I am.
Wags N Kisses,
Wowzers I'm impressed!!
Avalon, you sure look good doing your birdie stuff! Way to go for you!
Avalon!! What a day there! Don't know what I would have done with the duckies...but you looked like a pro! Fun stuff.
See you pals for obedience carpool tomorrow :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
WOWZA! If you aren't ever doin' so good in your school, Miss Sammie, too. We just bet that the two of you will get an A+ when all is said and done☺ Keep your eye on the birdie!
Bet everyone slpet well after that day of excitement.
What a great job you did, Avalon! We would have run in the opposite direction with that duckie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Youz guyz are very impressive wif all your retreiving stuff AND it looks like fun to do...'cept fur gettin in da waters. :)
WOofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Wow, that looks like a lot of fun - AND we have to say that we love your header - gorgeous!!!
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Woof! Woof! Golden Great Avalon!!! Soon you will be like my doggy dad Mash --- great outdoors champion. can't wait for that Avalon. Woof! Woof! to Sammie. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Wow!!! What great memories you must have! I sometimes forget where I leave my snacks! I do have a Slobber-Duck that I like to drag around though. I'll post up a picture sometime...
Good job Avalon! That is such a beautiful place for training! In no time at all you will be a duckie-birdie pro too!
Sam & June
p/s: about the sweet potato plant, don't think you can plant it now in the ground. Why not just leave it in a pot with potting soil and just let it grow indoor? Mom thinks the plant itself is quite pretty.
You're such a great great retriever gir!!!!
Maya is good as you but the boys really don't love retrieve birdies!!!
We know you and Maya would be a wonderful team!!!!
We missed you tons dear dear friends!!!
Awwwwwwwwwww......we hope to see you again soon because we love you tons and we would love spend lots of time with you again!!!!
What an incredible memories we have thinking of you all!!!
You're sooooooo special for us and you're in our thoughts every day!!!!
What a great places you visited all together!!!
We're jealous and next time we'll come over there you have to promise us to bring us with you ok??!!!!!
Hope meeting you on Skype soon!!!!
WE LOVE YOU TONS dear friends!!!!
Don't forget us ok????
Tons of love and kisses and licks and huge hugs!!!!
MUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH super special family!!!!!
What very smart doggies you & all those other doggies are. I would love the duck-a-pult, but I'd wanna keep the ducky to play with!
Nubbin' wiggles,
Golden Retrievers retrieving? What a concept!
Happiness is doing what you were made to do! So glad you're all having so much fun!
your cat pal,
Wowwwww, congrats to you, Avalon! There is no fetching talent in this house!
Mom throws ball.
Two sets of eyes stare blankly.
Mom says, "Go get it, guys!"
Dogs give a "Huh?" look and don't budge.
Apparently, they are missing the retrieving gene!
What a great adventure! It looks like such a great time!!
Sammie we are so happy that you and your lil sis are having so much fun together!
Jack, Jill, Kona & Harley
And thank YOU for sharing this great day with us. What fun!
"Duck-a-pult"! Hee hee hee! I like that!
You and Samantha did really great, Avalon! I don't think any of us would be willing to chase and bring the duck back. Well, maybe Dave.
Sammie and Avalon
Now That is the life!!!! fantastic..looks like a gweat fun day fow evewyone..and you awe soo good at that wetwieval stuff..i would pwobably just dwop it and want to woll in it, hehehehe..mommi would be mowtified.
you'we so smawt that I'm suwe you'll be on the next level vewy soon
smoochie kisses
You guys get to do such fun things! And such variety, too. Avalon is growing by leaps and bounds! Hope to see you before she's all grown up!
Wow, Avalon! That is SOOOO neat! You did a great job at bringing those birdies back and not eating 'em. And I'm real impressed with those other doggies, too. I think it would be kinda hard to remember, don't you? But I bet if you work real hard, you'll be able to do that someday, too!
Wiggles & Wags,
That was so fun to read. You are definitely Star material young lady!
Emma Rose
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