We have aboard: Sammie, Avalon, Dad and Mom (driver).
Needing to drive to Truckee, California by end of today.
Estimated time of driving to Truckee, California: 9 hours, 30 minutes.
(Not to be: rather, 14 hours, 24 minutes)
From the Driver's journal: "...road from Auburn to Donner "grady" and very bumpy; in &*%%ingly bad shape.... Once reaching Truckee, neither Captain nor co-Captain could believe that the gas attendant's directions to our destination could possibly be up a remote country road, winding up and up. But then... magically. There it was. A sign. That simply said: CAMPGROUND. Surreal.
Stardate: 8/21/2010, 8:40 a.m.
Between Momma and Poppa are some morning meds: 2 strong prescriptions (at least for canines) and 4 minerals/vitamins. By the time Mom and Dad had their water glasses ready to gulp down the pills, one of the scrip meds was missing. Panic.

Solution: Alder Creek Camp Hosts Carol and Dan, camped next to all-season couple, Martin and Elaine (with golden retriever, Riley) recommend a Dr. Lori L. Ferrera and quickly give us directions. Our parents are certain that one of us has ingested the missing pill. Mom and Dad race us off to Sierra Pet Clinic, where Dr. Lori checks us out fast. She didn't detect anything weird, but told us to return at 5 p.m. for a recheck. Mom and Dad race back to Alder Creek Campground to thank everyone and commence to set up camp after searching every inch of the trailer for the pill. Not to be found. Dan, the host, teach Mom and Dad everything about a campground with full hookups. It really is heaven.

Stardate 8/21/2010; 11:00 a.m. - we are doing awesome and are completely free from any of the symptoms that Dr. Lori said to watch for. And... our crates and ex-pens and set-up are pawesome. Maybe our parents are getting closer to the summit of that learning curve. We are ready to rock and roll... someplace. When Dr. L. saw us later, she pronounced us ready to go for the rest of the week - arrrrr-roooo!

So... next day, we set off for Independence Lake. Y'know that cool lake a couple of posts ago that kept me from concentrating on my obedience? Well, we were going there now! Couldn't wait!

Sardine Lake is gorgeous with lots of fish, but neither Mom nor Dad could even nab a bite! Ice Cream, anybody?
We are finally having the pawesomest time! The golden retriever in this movie is Riley, owner of the cool folks who recommended Dr. Lori to us. Stay tuned for more adventures with us as Mom and Dad attempt to understand RV camping in the Mokelumne Wilderness area heheh!

You are some LUCKY dogs! I am so glad that the pill scare turned out to be just that - a scare and nothing else - it sure is nerve-wracking when stuff like that happens!
Thanks so much for catching up with you, I always look forward to what you have to say about my training endeavors!
Hope you're all having fun out there! And I'm sure Sammie will ROCK in Open in October!
The scenery is ALMOST as beaWOOtiful as the Golden Stars of the post!
I am drooling with envy! That looks like so much fun! I hope you have a great rest of your trip!
Auburn? You're close to me!!
Have a great time everyone!!
Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome,Pawsome - OK wow, what beautiful lakes and splashes and Goldens. It's been so long since we have been deep in the Sierras (gosh, at least 25 years). Thanks for the wonderful videos and sharing your good times with us.
Crackers, ice cream & exploring! It looks like so much fun!
Nubbin' wiggles,
Looks like great fun. So glad the pill scare was just that - a scare.
Woof! Woof! I'm so jealous you got to swim a lot. LOVE the slideshow. I could not play the ice cream video. Mmmm "Sierra" Pet Clinic. Too bad they were not able to join you. Avalon is absolutely growing so fast. Please check your email ... Happy Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
So glad you had such a FABULOUS time and so glad that the lost pill was not eaten!
your cat pal,
Wonderful to get all of these updates - you have been missed but at least we know where you are! :)
I'm so happy to have found you on the Blog Hop! We love that area and your shots are great!
You always have the best adventures to share. Little Miss Avalon is quite the ball of energy:) Loved seeing you both having so much fun.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I'm afraid that your descriptions of learning about your RV, especially the panic alarm, had me giggling!!!
What great photos of Samantha and Avalon playing in a lake wonderland. They are very lucky dogs.
I have no idea whatsoever how that poor bird died. That's just crazy.
It is true, though, that you find all sorts of interesting stuff when you explore in places where there aren't many people.
Keep having fun! I'm looking forward to the next update!
Sounds like a "scary pill episode"!
Glad everything was ok!
Sure you had a great time there!
It is a beautiful place!
Kisses and hugs
OMG, what a fun trip!
Our mom manages to drop one of dad's heart pills on the floor every now and again and you would think she was 15 years old again to watch her scramble so we don't get it first!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
OH Samantha what a wonderful time you had. The pictures were just awesome. Everything look so beautiful.. Oh and you got to swim and then ice cream. Just awesome..
Enjoy the rest of your time.. Be careful of those snakes...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We are taking Sam and Monty camping in October. We may need to ask for pointers!
Pawsome,Pawsome,wouf wow, from twoo miss glogen in Belgium: Primrose's Dream Cerise+ Zitablue du Bosquet Mignon. Beautiful lakes , i thing water is a pleasure for golden, sweaming, runing, playing..
best regard Louisette
That sounds like a very eventful start to your camping trip! You so lucky!! It looks really pawsome. Keep on having fun!!
~lickies, Ludo
Looks to me like you guys will be doing lots of sleeping soon!
Arf! Arf! You got my pet dogs so envious. Now, I really need to take them out camping. Great photos and videos you have there. You all sure had a great time!
That was aweseome!! We did say hello to camphosts at Alder Creek. They are getting ready to close the campground for the season :(
So glad no furries seemed to ingest the pill!!! Love that you spent the day at Sardine Lake! Looked like you had the lake to yourselves!!! We found a great campsite for you at Sardine :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes! I've been getting lots of treats from my treatmill...but there is no way I'm getting on it. What if it turns on me and spins out of control and injures me like in that cartoon video with the polar bear? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7QxK3-pANw)
Mom shouldn't have showed me that clip if she wanted me to think the treatmill was a nice thing.
You guys are having such a grand adventure! Your posts make me feel like I was right there with you! Both doggies are loves :)
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