Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ozzie is Recovering Courageously!

Oz has been home now for three days. And. She has amazed us by her rapid adjustment to being a tri-pawed kitty. She has not had a super appetite, but we've tried to offer her faves; fresh shrimp, which she's munched on daintily and her Fancy Feast fave, which she's eating here. For the first time today, she tried to escape from our bedroom, where she's been held captive. We're stunned by her continued improvement.
After she ate a bite or two, she headed for Sam's giant bed to relax a bit. She hates her meds (of course), but they help her sleep and keep the infections away. We stopped by the Humane Society today to say thanks to those involved in finding her and to re-license the pups. There were at least five individuals who were interested in what happened to her. We learned little more about what happened to Ozzie, except that instead of that nutty woman keeping her for two days, Oz was apparently held hostage for four days. All the days she was missing. I guess we can thank Dog that she was inside on those cold nights. For those who are squeamish, you may not want to look at the next photo, which shows Ozzie's amputation and stitches. She is in great spirits! We are so encouraged by her courage and backbone! What a winner!


houndstooth said...

Ozzie, you're looking great! I am so glad that you're a survivor, although it probably means you'll be around to boss Sammie and Avalon around for a long, long time! Keep following the doctor's orders!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

She IS a fighter. We are so happy to see her doing so well. The appetite will come back, and it wouldn't surprise us at all if the meds have some impact on that too. Nice to read a good and happy post.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Lorenza said...

I am very happy to know Ozzie is adjusting so well to her new situation!
I am sure she will be back to normal in no time!
Four days?? Oh-oh! Better not to think about those days and just look ahead for much better and optimistic days!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Yas said...



The Daily Pip said...

Hurray for Ozzie! It's amazing how fast they heal. I am so happy she is home safe and sound.

Your pal, Pip

Life With Dogs said...

What a tough little trooper. ♥

Penny's Mumma said...

so relieved to see Oz is doing well. just started following your blog. My 6 year old red golden passed recently so i have enjoyed looking at your cuties.
be well Oz

Wyatt said...

Go Kitty Go!! Oz, you are a real inspiration!!


Kristen said...

So glad that she's home and doing well!!

Duke said...

Ozzie sounds like she's adjusting well. We are so happy to hear this!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Brad Fallon said...

You are one brave cat Ozzie! You are a survivor and a real inspiration.

jen said...

So glad to hear that Oz is doing so well!! That is great.

Thor said...

I'm so happy to see that Ozzie is doing so well.

KB said...

Ozzie is a fighter and obviously very adaptable! I am thrilled to hear your news but I am baffled by someone holding a cat hostage for that long, especially if she had tags. That's nutty in and of itself!

We'll keep thinking of you and rooting for Ozzie's continued amazing recovery.

HoundDogMom said...

Ozzie, we are so glad you are doing so well. We can begin to see that spunk back in your eyes. The HoundDogs

Unknown said...

You are a brave and sturdy cat, Ozzie, your humans are taking great care of you too:)

Barbara said...

What is wrong with humans?? Why would they hold Ozzie hostage? Oh my. At least Ozzie is getting well. Our prayers are with her!

Terrorzinhos said...

Ozzie,we are soooo glad that you're getting better!

George The Lad said...

Way to go Ozzie ;)
See Yea George xxx

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

Ozzie, you look great! We know you must be feeling a little weird right now. But once your stitches heal up and you don't need to be on meds, you will feel more like your own self.

Pup Fan said...

Glad to hear that Oz is getting better!

D.K. Wall said...

Keep healing, Ozzie. We love watching a determined soul adapt to the newest challenge.

Tucker said...

She is doing very well! If she continues to not eat much you can always grab a can of Science Diet A/D at your vet. It is super high calorie so she doesn't have to eat as much. Momma had to use that while they were syringe feeding kitteh sister Ellie.

woof - Tucker

Kari in Alaska said...

So glad to hear she is recovering well!


Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Well done Oz! Cat's is so resilient, they is quite inspiring really, but don't tell them I said that.
~lickies, Ludo

Wrigley said...

I am glad Ozzie is recovering and is home safe!

Wags N Kisses,

The Thuglets said...

Aww.. thats absolutely excellent news that Ozzie is on the mend!

Lots of pawsative thoughts for a fast recovery.

Go Ozzie Go!

Big NOse Pokes
The Thugletsx

Sierra Rose said...

Really thankful Ozzie is healing so well, and quickly! What an event for little Oz.

Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose