Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wordy Wednesday...

We've been having a heatwave and yesterday, the temperature reached 104 degrees in our neck of the woods/valley. Hothothot. Thoughtful Sierra Rose invited us to visit her hu-grandma and doggeh-aunt, Dixie, who have a POOL! COOL!

Heeeeere's Dixie, taking a giant leap...

Takin' in the action!

My swankiest dive -

And thanks to Sierra Rose and her Ma and Hu-Grandma for inviting us over to cool off! We had such a great time!


Corbin said...

Great pictures! Looks like you had a great time cooling down!

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Cool!!!! That was very nice of Sierra Rose to invite woos to Dixie's fur a swim!

Sam & June

Martha said...

What terrific pics! You were very lucky to get an invite to a pool - just the thing to keep your cool on such a hot day!
It looked so good we wanted to jump in too!
Sorry we are so behind with your blog - same old story!
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Bet that pool time was fun AND refreshing. Mom couldn't believe it when she saw on her phone that it was 110 in Glendora on Sunday and Monday - that's where our human brother lives. He told us it was just totally unbearable and was enough to make him want to move to Kansas:) That put a smile on all of our faces.

Stay cool.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Emma Rose said...

A real pool! How lucky you are :) We have never even seen a real pool in person! Well, except our doggie pool of course :)

Wonderful photos. We love them!

Emma Rose

Oskar said...

Goodness, that's really hot! It was cold & rainy here yesterday.

It looks like you had a blast.

Nubbin wiggles,

Maggie Mae and Max said...

OoH my, dat is hot! If it wuz dat hot at my house I might even want to gets in da waters! :)

WOofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

jen said...

Great pictures!
Wow 104 degress is hot:)

Ms. ~K said...

Looks like fun!
Wet Retrievers are Happy Retrievers!

Duke said...

What hot temps! YUK! But it looks like you have the right idea about cooling down! Love that swanky dive!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kari in Alaska said...

California was way to hot this week!


NCmountainwoman said...

Ouch! That is HOT! Glad you got to swim and cool off. Great pictures.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What fun pictures of what was a fantastic time!! Our temps are getting cooler--I'm now wearing a sweatshirt...the dogs are shedding and I'm adding...the cruelty of it all!! :-))

Life With Dogs said...

It is amazing to see this kind of heat from here. It will be downright cold here this weekend!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What pawesome pikhs and fun woo had!

Thanks fur sharing it with us!


houndstooth said...

104 degrees in the end of September?! My dog! I am sure glad you had a fun place to go cool off!


Lorenza said...

Soooooo refreshing!
Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs

Wyatt said...

That is the way to do it! But then, I like swimming in the pouring down rain too!
I've never been in a real pool....


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! What a FUN FUN FUN time you guys had. Oh! Avalon. Lucky to have Sierra as your neighbor. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Wrigley said...

It is sure great to have fun friends like Sierra Rose! Looks like you all had a "cool" time.

Wags N Kisses,

Stella said...

A Doggy Swimming Pary! What a perfect event on such a hot day! I am glad it has cooled off where we are, 50s and 60s during the day and 40s at night. Nice, nice!


Thor and Jack said...

Great pictures! Looks like you had tons of fun!

Anonymous said...

You must have had a blast!! Great action shots and we love your ginormous pictures!

Scout 'n Freyja said...

WOWZA! That sure looked like a lot of fun. Over here in our neck of the woods it is getting PURRty cold so pool time is over for us this year. Momma says that winter is coming soon and that means SNOW! YUM!

The Life of Riley said...

Your pool party looks like lots of fun!

Unknown said...

S and a
I heard about your heatwave ugggh! But that's what friends r for... Cool pool funballs. Well i guess ool funballs since u r not suppose to p in the ool

Pat Wahler said...

What fun! Looks like you all had an absolute blast! A great way to beat the heat!


Sierra Rose said...

Super fun time right!? Let's do it again soon ok pals! Always a party with you two :) Wootwoot!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Augie and Ti's mom said...

Wow! You got some fab pictures!

the booker man said...

miss sammie,
104?! boy howdy, that's steamy hot!! i'm so glad that you could go to the pool for swimmies and cool off with miss sierra rose and her family!

the booker man

Ben said...

How great that you got to cool off - and you look oh so svelt while swimming.
Ben and the fellas

Valerie Cummings said...

Oh thank goodness for friends with pools!!!! Hugs JOey and Kealani

Teddy Westlife said...

What awesome fun!

Hi Ozzie!

Unknown said...

Wow - that pool looks amazing...such great action shots!

Honey the Great Dane

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Love all the shadows goign on in the first one. Amazing photos. Ah Avalon you look just like my lab Jessie who lived to a wonderful 15 yrs.

Anonymous said...

Sure looks like you had a great time!!!!! Next time, invite me too, ok? Hehe ;-)


The Army of Four said...

You "had a ball"?!?! Hee hee hee! I like the way you think!
Stay cool, friends!