As usual, our secretary is so lame that she can't figure out codes and linky tools, but wants to greet some new and old pals alike through today's Pet Blogger Hop! Happy Jumping!

What Avalon had was really what I wanted to possess. So I went for it.

After working on her for a minute or so....
I bet that ball tasted extra good when you got it!
Some times you must take matters into your own mouf! Excellent job!
wif love from the Luke
Way to go, Sammie! Hey... does that ball SQUEAK?!?!?
Wow! That was so intense. Well done!
We knew you would win, Sammie. But we bet you have lots of fun playing ball with Avalo.
Header looks gorgeous.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Happy Hopping! We just love our orange chuck it balls too!
Did someone swallow the keys to the fridge?
miss sammie,
i give you two paws up for very gentle like ball taking over skillz!!
the booker man
Now that's what I call determination! Great job :)
Emma Rose
You are one awesome big sister, Sammie! Avalon is going to learn a lot from you -- like how to steal a ball!
Hooray for you! I hope you enjoyed that ball.
Nubbin wiggles,
Good for you!
Your pal, Pip
Hey Sammie and Cuz Avalon,
May I ask what is this Pet Hop Blog about???
Wow! That was serious but so very quiet! We would have been growling and sounding much more fierce!
Nice win, Sammie!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Sammie and Avalon
Thank you fow youw well wishes fow my Biwfday!!1 I love youw ball exchange..I've done that a few times too,'s sooo fun.You'we obviously weally good at it
smoochie kisses
That was the politest ball grab I've ever seen! I liked the part where Sammie looked at the camera, LOL
Hi Sammie,
Mommy is embarrassed because she didn't know about Avalon? She's beautiful and when did you get her.
We have been away off and on.
Luv ya guys and your mommy too.
Riley and Star.
Woof! Woof! That's a Intense Golden Play. Not sure why I can't play your video (again). Happy BLOG HOP Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Lovely photos of lovely girls. :)
Great work there Sam!
Happy BlogHop Weekend!
Woo two have the GReatest fun!!!
Definitely need some music to this video...maybe the tango! You two are silly, are you sure you weren't practicing CPR?
your cat pal,
Sammie - I think that you and your little sister are become best friends. It's so wonderful to see you playing together. It's amazing how fast puppies grow up - Avalon is the perfect example! My goodness, she was tiny just a little while ago!
We have that same ball... It's a great one, isn't it!
Have a great weekend playing together, you two beautiful Goldens!
Great Battle for the Ball!
Happy Sunday to all of you!
Kisses and hugs
Way to go! She needs to learn her place in this pack. Very cute.
Nicely done!
Hi! We are stopping by on the blog hop and really enjoyed taking a look around you site!
Great pictures you have!
You 2 are just adorable, even when you're swapping slobber! ;)
Hugs and belly rubs,
Hello, We are your newest followers! We Think you guys are super cute.
That was the smoothest ball exchange ever! No growling or anything. Sammie, we have a lot to learn from you!
Mmmmmm! Kissies!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
That Avalon just didn't want to give it up!!
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
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