My secretary is woefully late in posting about this most important date - shame on my assitant! (But I loves her lots and lots anyway and here's the tale...) On May 27, 2007, I was living at the Carlsons, who have a furry, furry cool place in a town north of here called Sebastopol. They live in the hills with lots of room to run around - perfect for me - recovering from a bad case of kidney disease at 9 months old. Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue had rescued me from the Humane Society, where my old (and I mean elderly) peeps had dropped me off, cause they could no longer care for me. When I met my furever new peeps, I dropped to the ground and let them rub my belly, which they did for a long time. Then the Carlsons and my new pawrents had a pretty darned long talk (c'mon guys!) and finally, I just jumped onto the back seat of the open door and lay down. I was ready for the party to start! I did love the Carlsons, but adventure beckoned and I was ready! I loved my new peeps and they sure loved me back. And so... we've been living near San Francisco ever since and through this blog, I share my fun (and not-so-fun) with you! And man, is there some new stuff happening around here. Stay tuned. And if you want to check out some past posts about the fun (and not-so-fun), you can go to these places:
We have also apparently (I tells ya, my mom is totally oblivious these days...) passed a milestone. This is our 204th post - let's party down! Oh - and some of you know I have a new sisfer, Avalon. You might have caught sight of her a couple of posts ago. She's okay. She's best this way:

Happy Gotcha Day Sammie!
Woo are one furry lukhky Golden Girl but woo knew that!
As fur the sleeping sweetie, woo are soooooo going to need advice from Fiona - I khan see it now!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Congratulations on your gotcha day! You and Avalon will have almost the same gotcha day, very cool!
Happy Gotcha Day, Sammie! Your sister looks sweet but they all look sweet when they're sleeping! ;-)
Sammie! We are so glad you have found your forever peeps, and are such a great friend to all of us! We are very blessed. Sweet angel face :)
And, for Miss A puppy....well, gotta tell ya...mom is always saying to me that I am bestest when snoozlin'!!! Us puppies!
Love ya lots...and give Miss Avalon a puppy pat!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Oh! Guess that one was from Honey...your super pal... Well...I'll echo and this one is really from me!
Love ya tons my friend!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Gasp! You have a new puppy in the house? I had no idea! CONGRATS! Oh, I can't wait to hear more about her once your mom has time!
As for you, Sammie, congrats on your gotcha day and your post milestone. You sure area really special girl.
Hi Sammie!!! Happy Gotcha Day!!! You are so lucky to have such awesome pawrents!!!! And now youre a big sister!!!! Way to go!!!!! PS YOu keep getting more and more beautiful!!!!!! Hugs, your pals, Joey and Kealani
We loved your "Gotcha" pics and are so glad that you have such amazing peeps who take such good care of you. You are a lucky girl!
Looks like your new sis sleeps a lot- just wait!;) Boy, is she a cute. Give her a lick for us,
Sierra-dog and Dexie
Happy gotcha day, Sammie!
Avalon is such a cutie! The two of you will have lots of fun together, once she loses those sharp puppy nippers!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy gotcha day and mum says can we see more photos of Avalon because OMG she is adorable!
Happy Gotcha Day, Sammie. Next year your Mom will remember because yours and Avolon's Gotcha Days fall so close together. We are so glad they got both of you and that you are our furiends.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
My, how time flies! We think your little sisfur is really and really cute but we told momma NO, SIT, STAY when she got all funny faced lookin' at that puppy. We are all she needs, yesh, we are all she needs.☺
I'm loving your big pics!! Sammie's collage looks beautiful, as does Avalon. Happy Gotcha Day, Samantha--you're one lucky girl!
Happy Gotcha Day Sammie! And Happy 204th posts!
Where have we been? We have only just heard about your little sisfur Avalon! She is one little cutie pie and she has a lot to learn from her big sissis!
Sam & June
Woof! Woof! Sammie. Happy Gotcha Day - It is sure a memorable day - precious. WOWY! 204posts Did you started your blog after me? I just posted my 200 post today, Friday n shared my mom's poem she recite when someone does not understand to own a Golden Dog. How's Avalon? I guess you have to share your blog with Ozzie n Avalon soon. You might create a new blog title. Happy Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Happy Gotcha Day, Golden Samantha and Congrats on passing the 200 mark!!! We remember that story about you and the infamous glove - so scary - your pawrents must have been a wreck. Be sure you teach Avalon the terror of THE GLOVE. We need to hear more about you and your new sister. Have a great weekend.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Happy Gotcha Day Sammie and I can't believe you got a new Sister...that's the best present ever! Yipee!
your cat pal,
Happy Gotcha Day!
Lots of nice things to celebrate!
Your Gotcha Day!
Your little sister!
Your 204th Post!
Yes! Party! Party!
Happy Weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Gotcha Day! I agree that puppies are most fun when they are sleeping.
Happy Gotcha Day, Sammie! Your new sister is mighty cute. I hope she's not a toy-stealer like a certain kid sister I could mention...
Luv (and guard your Kong!),
Hi! We came over from the Saturday blog hop!
Happy Gotcha Day! I may be biased, but I think May Gotcha Day dogs are the best (my Gotcha Day is May 31st)!
Tail Wags,
Happy Gotcha Day from me an my Can-Openers.
nice woooh
Forgive me Sammie. I'm late!
Happy Happy Gotcha day!!!!!
*special gotchaday nosekiss*
Happy Gotcha Day Sammie, so sorry we are late!
We loved hearing about your story and are so glad you got a great forever home filled with adventures.
We especially loved that top pic today - just wonderful.
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xxx
ps thank you for the kind comments on our video!
You have a new sister!!!!! Our mum is just useless!!!!
Congratulations on sweet Avalon - well we guess she is at her sweetest when she is asleep.
Just wait she will be wanting all your toys.......your favourite snoozee places.........but she will be fun!
Martha and Bailey xxxx
Oh no, oh no! I missed your Gotcha Day! Happy, happy Gotcha Day, Sammie! I luved reading about how you came to be adopted into your Most Perfect Family That Ever Was!
And Most Huge congratulations on your new sister. My Brudder Ranger wasn't really too sure about me at first but I just kept telling him how much I luved him every single day and pretty soon he realized I luved him, too!
Wiggles & Wags,
So glad you are doing well in your home. Not sure how someone could drop off their 9 month old pup at the pound. Sounds like it worked out well for you though.
happy gotcha day! Did your new sis come from the same rescue group?
Sorry I'm a bit late but Happy GOtcha Day, Sammie! I didn't know your backstory so it was great to read all about how you found your forever home - and you're so lucky to have found such wonderful humans!
Honey the Great Dane
Happy Gotcha Day, you cutie!
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