MEOW! Yeah, I know the rain's pummeling the patio, but I would appreciate it if something would get this door open, because I'm going to get out somehow.

It may take a couple of minutes to break outta here, so I thought I'd give you the short version about my appearance here! About four years ago, when I was a couple of months shy of my first birthday, my original person left town for about a month. She'd been leaving me home alone a lot with only a bowl or two of kibble left outside. Other creatures would steal it natch, so I got hungry. I was totally an outdoors cat then and lived about five blocks away from my current peeps and big sis.

Okay... pretty please let me out. No? Alright. I'll continue. I started wandering the neighborhoods around here to find food. I'm extremely good at catching all things furred or feathered, but I was sick of that. I wanted a warm place to curl up once in a while. I narrowed my choices down to four places which should become my new home. I made this place my new crib, with daily visits to Birgitta, three doors up from mine, where I get dancing lessons and other fun stuff. I have a warm bed here right near the heating, great food (which I only eat part of, of course) and in exchange, I bring lots of pressies to my folks that I leave on their doorstep. Mom and Dad can tell I've been happily busy with creative and difficult endeavors while they've been gone. And they do pick up all my leavings too, so I know they appreciate my gifts.

A promise is a promise.

Rain's letting up.

Here's my excellent but rare smile... Whew... I'm outta here!
Woof! Woof! OZZIE ... Glad the rain stopped. It's snowing here. It's great that Sammie let you blog today. Have a great weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Awww, love your blog! Hope you can visit my new blog here: and also my established cat blog
*purrs and puppy kisses*
Hello! We just found your blog and have really enjoyed our visit!! We have a house full of 8 rescued Goldens and I love to read about the adventures other Goldens are having in another part of the country!
Ozzie by the way, could be a close relative of our cat "CC!!" :-)
Enjoy your weekend!!
Great Story, Ozzie! That was smart when you didn't care for your former owner's activities, you just went and found a new, better one. I don't think dogs do that, but they should. Its the only smart way to handle poor ownership.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sweety!!
First of all you're soooooooooooo beautiful...
we love love your cute smile.....
Glad the rain stopped......It's snowing a lot here.......we love snow but mommy would love to get some sun now!!!!!!!!
We miss you a lot!!!!!!!!!
So sorry haven't left comments on your blog for a while.....but our secretary sometimes is very busy and haven't much time for help us!!!!!!!!!!
But we read all your post and we love love love your lake...
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...can we come with you next time????
We would love live close to you and have tons of great adventures all together!!!!
Pleaseeeeeeeeeee.....Give to your humans special licks from us and to you we send tons of love...kisses and hugs!!!!!!!!!!
Ozzie, you are very beautiful....well for a cat! Our mum says you look very like her black and white cat, Mouschi, who lived here for 22 years before going to Rainbow Bridge.
She, like you, was very smart and sought out new owners.
Some humans aren't so clever - they can hardly look after themselves.
Mouschi also brought lots of gifts....very nice dead mice and things.
We had a real mouse in our house the other night and our mum reckons it is time she had another cat!
Lovely to meet you and read your story. You sound like a born survivor. You are home now.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx
Beautiful smile, Ozzie! I think if I were a cat, I'd look something like you. :)
Tail wags,
Ozzie, you're just so darned cute!
Hi Ozzie, you are very beautiful. Thanks for telling us about your life. We hope you got outside but that you remember to come back in.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Hi Ozzie,
If our Mom had a cat, she'd want it to wear a tuxedo too.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Ozzie, it's nice to meet you... I sure hope you arent related to that black and white kitty I used to chase up the tree... I mean... That wasn't me- I swear!
Great story Ozzie! Obviously you were meant to end up there. Lovely smile!
Ozzie you are a very beautiful kittie. OF course if we met I would have to chase you!
Emma Rose
Those are SOME whiskers!
Hi, Ozzie!
Thanks for sharing your story!
Did you get to go out??
Kisses and hugs
A cat that likes going out in the rain? Didn't know such a thing existed
I'm so glad you are not homeless! Look at you. You make the most perfect brother.
I'm with you Ozzie, I couldn't survive if I couldn't go outdoors!
your pal,
who can resist that fuzzy face? of course i'll open the door for ya!
have funballs
HI Ozzie! You are pretty cute!! We havent been blogging for a while but mommies trying to check up on everyone!!! We wish the rain would stop soon! Hugs Joey and Kealani
You are such a cutie, Ozzie! We love your long white whiskers!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
That is one pretty kitty!
Ozzie!!!! Go get em'!
[No doggie door exit?]
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Ozzie - you totally scored when you moved in with the peeps. They are good family to have.
You are just too gorgeous! Have you met Madi yet? You could be sisters or maybe cousins. Too cute!
Riley and Star.
Woof, oh we meant meow, Ozzie! Nice to see you blogging again.
Sam & June
Cats sure is smart, looks like you picked the right family!
~lickies, Ludo
Ozzie!!! You made it to the blog! Peanut wanted to say "hello". You are a pretty kitty!
Sierra-dog for Peanut (he totally owes me.)
You is just the cutest kittie. You should stay inside and not leave your momma and dadda alone with that doggie. You never know what she is sayin' 'bout you when you're gone, hehehe!
Hey Ozzie,
Our cats aren't allowed out. They have to do their hunting inside during the summer when us dogs let the flying bugs inside. We enjoyed your mini-biography. Jenny says that you're a cute Tom. Boru and Alex said you look like a little guy in a rented tux. We dogs don't care one way or the other; live and let live is our motto. Max and Shiloh look like Holsteins cuz they're to big to wear a tux.
We are glad to meet you! Stay dry!
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