A Feast for My Eyes and My Snooter at the Local Lagoon
Note from Mom: A week from H-E-Double Toothpicks! Along with work and other distractions came an injured knee and ankle and am sorry we haven't visited our good bloggy pals. Sam and Ozzie are very upset with their typist, who vows to be back as of today! And... Ma has the month of Feb. off as well, so there aren't any excuses! Onward!
Hi - I'm back! This is a picture of our local lagoon, where I don't get to go much, cause we really like the wilder outdoorsy places where I don't have to abide by leash laws heheh!
The building back there is known as the Marin County Civic Center and is actually furry famous. It was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and was his last commission and 770th! Unfortunately, however, the famed architect never saw the finished product, for he died at 92 in 1959, one year before it opened. It is a national and state-designated historical landmark and awesome to look at from both the outside and also the interior. If you'd like to see more about this place, you can visit http://www.co.marin.ca.us/depts/CU/main/flw/cctourarch.cfm. The focus of my post is not about the building per se, but about the lagoon across the street from it. I live about a mile away from here and when time is short, I usually get a couple of laps around the lake.
And there ARE a lot of great smells here at least. Here - investigating one of tons of gopher holes.
Oh boy - one of my faves - there's lots of goose and duck poo that I just can't get enough of.
Just can't help covering myself in those aromas.
And HERE is the furry place where, the day before this was taken, Mom and I and Sierra Rose and her Ma all stopped in amazement in the pouring rain as an otter appeared and seemed to beckon to us to follow it. It hung out near us, but Mom didn't have a camera. We've been back to this pond all week trying to catch sight of the elusive creature.
Here's what he/she looked like. (Thanks SeaPics!) Still hoping we can get a photo one of these days!
We don't know what this is (cormorant?), but he was applying deodorant or airing out his feathers, or something like that!
Lots of feathered creatures floating around.
No matter where I looked or directed my snooter, there was something in the air or on the ground. Here - checking out one of those tree rats!
So happy to see these pals show up again to help us catch sight of those otters!
Another of the gazillion gopher holes.
Lately, when I reconnoiter and investigate the holes, Sierra's come over to me (if she's around) and gets all excited and starts to do the above. I think she believes she's helping!
Then we have to go expend some energy, cause we're both still pretty hyper.
Okay... now we're ready to call it a day.
Except for one last thing. A thorough cool down mud bath - one of my fave spa treatments!
So sorry about your knee and ankle!! We went to the dog park by that lagoon for the first time a couple weeks ago--it was a bit muddy, but so nice that it was fully enclosed. How funny about seeing an otter! Cabana and I will come help you find it someday soon!!
I hope your mom is feeling better soon! That sounds like no fun!
I envy you so much! We can only dream about green grass and mudholes at this point. Spring can't get here soon enough! If you spot the groundhog in that hole, tell him he'd better see his shadow!
Yes, so sorry to hear about your injured knee and ankle- but thank you for sharing those great photos! Looks like it was a great time, and we LOVE Frank!!! :)
Mud pile! Hope you invite me back there soon Sammie, got lots of dirt piles to investigate! And, fun times in the mud puddles!! See you again soon pal!!
hello sammie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow fun!!! i hav tried to dig to china too but so far i hav only gotten to like five or siks intches and i am pretty shoor china is down at leest a fut!!! ok bye
WOWZERS! What an incredible adventure! I can't believe all the cool stuff you saw and snoofed and rolled in!!! Sorry about your mom's knee and ankle! I hope she's better! Play bows, Zim
WOW! That is super-neat that you get to hang with sweet Sierra-Rose. You two are the cutest together! Isn't nice to have Golden Friends? I'm so glad we can be blogger friends too! We missed the posts, and hope your ma gets better soon. Ouchy Knee and Ankle= no fun!
Woof! Sammie. You sure very lucky to have such a place close by. LOVE seeing other creatures. Great photos. You are also very lucky to have a golden buddy close by ... got to see n play with Sierra. A MUD bath is always a great way to end your FUN adventures. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Mud bath and duck poo rub - they are just the bestest!!! So glad you got both in one day! Bet your mom's not happy about it but who cares when you had fun, right? What a fun day to play with your pal Sierra Rose. Did she get anything from the hole?
What a gorgeous spot for a fun adventure, Sammie! We had a River Otter visit our pond but mom didn't have the camera with her to snag a picture. He was BIG!
Hi Sammie! Hope your mom is feeling better now. You sure had a pawsome time playing with Sierra! That is a great place to have fun! Beautiful pictures!
Hi Sammie What a very cool new look to your blog - very nice! A great walk and run and play you had with amazing pictures. We enjoyed seeing all your sceneray and of course your sniffing.............just like us....nothing like it! We do hope your mom is feeling better and send her basset licks to help her on her way to a full recovery. xxxxxx
Woof! Woof! Sammie. Just want to say your photo on Mango's contest is so COOLLLL!!! Good Luck! BTW: Mom saw that you updated your blog (9hrs ago) regarding Mango's Contest. She can see it in Blogger Menu/Google Reader but it's not on your blog. Mmmm Just check your posting date. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
I smiled at the famous butt in the air/neck rubbing into the ground pose. All too familiar around here. And Marge picks the most disgusting things to roll in..
I'm no expert but I do really think the clicker makes Marge willing to learn about what to do with the dumbbell. I actually use the clicker quite sparingly, but it really helps in situations like this one where the behavior needs to be broken down into teensy little steps.
Sammie that was a totally cool entry for Mango Minster! Wowzer... I was totally impressed. If only I was your judge... huh I guess I'm still more quality for the over the edge crew... norwood
I totally agree with your about going somewhere wild so you don't have to worry about leash laws - it was a lot easier to do that when we lived in Auckland - 40mins and you were out of the city and into the bush! But here in Brisbane, it is much more built up and I've been having a lot of trouble finding somewhere where I can run free (that's not a yucky small fenced prison yard "dog park"!!)
So sorry about your knee and ankle!! We went to the dog park by that lagoon for the first time a couple weeks ago--it was a bit muddy, but so nice that it was fully enclosed. How funny about seeing an otter! Cabana and I will come help you find it someday soon!!
I hope your mom is feeling better soon! That sounds like no fun!
I envy you so much! We can only dream about green grass and mudholes at this point. Spring can't get here soon enough! If you spot the groundhog in that hole, tell him he'd better see his shadow!
Yes, so sorry to hear about your injured knee and ankle- but thank you for sharing those great photos! Looks like it was a great time, and we LOVE Frank!!! :)
Elizabeth & Luna
Poor Mom, we hope your knee and ankle aren't too badly injured - feel better, please.
That looks like a great lagoon for a walkie. An otter??? Seriously? Too bad you couldn't get that pic.
You and Sierra are so lucky to have each other as furiends - such fun you have together.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Mud pile!
Hope you invite me back there soon Sammie, got lots of dirt piles to investigate! And, fun times in the mud puddles!! See you again soon pal!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
I hope that your mom's knee and ankle are on the mend. It's no fun being hurt. Be extra nice to her!
I love the high speed chasing photos of you and Sierra. What a pair of pals!
hello sammie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow fun!!! i hav tried to dig to china too but so far i hav only gotten to like five or siks intches and i am pretty shoor china is down at leest a fut!!! ok bye
WOWZERS! What an incredible adventure! I can't believe all the cool stuff you saw and snoofed and rolled in!!!
Sorry about your mom's knee and ankle! I hope she's better!
Play bows,
Hi Sammie:
Tell your Mom I wish her a quick healing!
You and Sierra Rose had a fine time, and I love to see a dog dig.
I love to dig in the snow!
You lead a charmed life, beautiful. Now what's up with your injured two-legger??
By the way, cool header! :)
What fun woo had AGAIN!
Woo are really a GReat digGeR!
I have a spot under the bird feeder that I like to paw like woo were doing!
It is always so khool to see woo have such fun with Sierra Rose!
Woo two are furry lukhky to have each other so khlose!
PeeEssWoo: We hope your mom feels better!
WOW! That is super-neat that you get to hang with sweet Sierra-Rose. You two are the cutest together! Isn't nice to have Golden Friends? I'm so glad we can be blogger friends too!
We missed the posts, and hope your ma gets better soon. Ouchy Knee and Ankle= no fun!
Sending healing licks,
What a GREAT place Sammie! And yes, that bird drying it's feathers looks like a cormorant to me too.
your cat pal,
Woof! Sammie. You sure very lucky to have such a place close by. LOVE seeing other creatures. Great photos. You are also very lucky to have a golden buddy close by ... got to see n play with Sierra. A MUD bath is always a great way to end your FUN adventures. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Mud bath and duck poo rub - they are just the bestest!!! So glad you got both in one day! Bet your mom's not happy about it but who cares when you had fun, right?
What a fun day to play with your pal Sierra Rose. Did she get anything from the hole?
Sam & June
Hi Sammie,
We hope that your mom is feeling better. Do send her lots of hugs from us.
We always enjoy your day outs with Sierra Rose. You both know how to have lots of fun times. Weeeee
-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
It looks like you had a wonderful day! We hope you get a picture of that pesky Otter - we are looking forward to it!
oooo did mom give you a bath after all of those adventures?
How cool! I wanna meet an otter too... *woof woof*
Ya what fun you all had.. You have sunshine. Can you send some of that our way?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Sammy!
That lagoon looks like a good place for swimmin'! And chasin' ducks!
Good for you for rollin' in duck and goose poop (Hope you ate a little for me!) My Mom calls that stuff "doggie deodorant"
What a gorgeous spot for a fun adventure, Sammie!
We had a River Otter visit our pond but mom didn't have the camera with her to snag a picture. He was BIG!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh wow, what a pretty place to have nearby! Now I can't wait for spring to come!
Hope your Moms is better soon!
Those are beyootiful pictures! You are lucky to have such a great place to explore!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
What a wonderful time you had.
Nice pictures.
Nice woooh
Hi Sammie!
Hope your mom is feeling better now.
You sure had a pawsome time playing with Sierra! That is a great place to have fun!
Beautiful pictures!
Sure I hope your mom feels better soon!
thanks for sharing all those pictures!
Sure you had lots of fun there!
Kisses and hugs
sniff sniff oh the ode de goose poopies! have you ever caught one of those gophers things?? fitting for groundhog's day!
thanks for the walkies!
lovely pics and TQ for sharing as it brought a smile to our mumster's wet face after reading about Maxdog's health in South Africa
what's up with your mumster? we trust you have been taking better care of her?????
Hi Sammie
What a very cool new look to your blog - very nice!
A great walk and run and play you had with amazing pictures.
We enjoyed seeing all your sceneray and of course your sniffing.............just like us....nothing like it!
We do hope your mom is feeling better and send her basset licks to help her on her way to a full recovery.
Woof! Woof! Sammie. Just want to say your photo on Mango's contest is so COOLLLL!!! Good Luck! BTW: Mom saw that you updated your blog (9hrs ago) regarding Mango's Contest. She can see it in Blogger Menu/Google Reader but it's not on your blog. Mmmm Just check your posting date. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
I smiled at the famous butt in the air/neck rubbing into the ground pose. All too familiar around here. And Marge picks the most disgusting things to roll in..
I'm no expert but I do really think the clicker makes Marge willing to learn about what to do with the dumbbell. I actually use the clicker quite sparingly, but it really helps in situations like this one where the behavior needs to be broken down into teensy little steps.
You look like you are about to disappear in the hole! be careful
I hope you came home smelling of low tide after that roll in the aromas!
Seriously, what a beautiful sight to see your lovely golden-ness running free. You are a flamboyant and beautiful ray of sunshine.
Your pal,
Sammie that was a totally cool entry for Mango Minster! Wowzer... I was totally impressed. If only I was your judge... huh I guess I'm still more quality for the over the edge crew...
That looks like a perfect day, and my Mom is in love with the otter. What about me Mom?! Sammie, you are the cutest thing looking at the birds...
Hi Sammie,
I love rolling in stinky stuff too! :-)
I totally agree with your about going somewhere wild so you don't have to worry about leash laws - it was a lot easier to do that when we lived in Auckland - 40mins and you were out of the city and into the bush! But here in Brisbane, it is much more built up and I've been having a lot of trouble finding somewhere where I can run free (that's not a yucky small fenced prison yard "dog park"!!)
Honey the Great Dane
What a fun day - we felt like we were right along there with you.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
We came over to see your new post ......it has disappeared! Never mind we will watch for it reappearing.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Looks like you had some pawesome fun!
The mud path is the most superior spa treatment around. It keeps our hairdo fluffy and our skin healthy.
Take a roll for me.
Love Ben
Well it certainly looks like you're having a good time now Sammy.
Ozzy, been a while since we saw you on the blog. Just saying.
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