Sunday, January 24, 2010

Gratitude and a Dog Pile

I was overwhelmed to receive a couple of very lovely awards from some furry cool friends and feel unbelievably grateful. For a lot of last week, we've were inundated with storms and our 'puter has not worked for much of the time. We had a couple of power outages and apologize for not visiting as much as we like to. It was drying out until a few minutes ago and now is raining. Again. So I'll start dictating (Mom: THAT'S fur shore!) to get this post out! I found this amazing "Shining Star" award in my email box today and am almost blushing, as those Zoolatry girls ( have gifted me with so many beautiful pressies lately, including the incredible banner I've installed up top today. I can't know how to woof out enough thank yous. There are no rules for this award, but I'd love all my wonderful furfriends to have it if you don't already.

Dearest Coco ( gave me this cool, pawsome "Director's Choice" award and I am so furry grateful to you, Cocorue! I would like to paw this award forward to three new blog pals - if you don't know these pups, go meow or woof hello! They lead furry interesting lives in equally cool places!
2. To Tanuki Maxx (
3. To Mimi and Cabana (
You bet I look concerned! When Mom brought out the toy basket, my ears pricked up! Playtime! But no. She put me in a downstay and began arranging all my personal stuff onto my own personal hair on my own personal body. Imagine. She got 12 things on my actual body and 2 more kinda leaning on it, resting on my back paw... so 14, if that's not cheating. She also got out Ozzie's basket of toys, hoping to place a mouse or two in between my ears, but I was having none of it. So if you'd like to enter Biggie's Mango Minster Sanctioned Talent Event called DOG PILE, visit Biggie at! Have a good Sunday!


Our Wagging Tales said...

Those are some nifty aways you got Sammie !! I'm glad my mom hasn't tried piling my toys on top of me ! I will try not to let her see this picture and get any ideas !

Farley said...

We are very impressed with your Dog Pile entry :) Adorable! Congrats on your awards too...

Ms. ~K said...

Wrooo wrooo. Great job Sammie...we have lots of dogpile blooper photos...we had fun...Mom, not so much!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Congrats on your awards - very nice, Samantha. We are sorry about your rain. We got a little bit of rain but could really use some sun. We got a tiny bit today but it disappeared very quickly.

Love you pile pic.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

D.K. Wall said...

Congratulations on your awards and thanks for passing it forward. We discovered a couple of "new to us" bloggers from it!

The Luke said...

Special congratulations on your a wards!!! You are most deservin of the them, "fur shore"!

I am also very impressed wif your resolute "ignore pile o toys on back" facial expression! I not know how you do it!!!

O... and I agree wif the you. Mouse betwixt ears is takin fings a bit too far!

wif love from the Luke

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khongrats on your awards!

Grrrrreat job on your pile on - furry talented!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Unknown said...

Great entry, Sammie! I htink you did the hard version, lying on your tummy like that - I did the easy version, lying flat on my side! Hee! Hee! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sammie its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that is kwite a kayse of stuffie cooties!!! i hope yoo recover soon!!! ok bye

Lorenza said...

Congratulations on your Awards!
Good job with the Dog Pile! 14 items!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

I can't see you under all those toes. Oh you are the one with the petrified face. I hope you got a nice yummy treat for that nonsense. Leave it to Mango to sanction an event so as this...

Sonic said...

Congrats on all the awards! Hope the power stays on from now on!


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Sammie Great JOB!!! Will check out Biggie's Blog n Congrats on your awards. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

The Army of Four said...

Congrats on the cool awards, Sammie! Very well-deserved!

houndstooth said...

That dog pile is looking good!


Infrequent Flyers said...

Hey!! Thank you so much for the award and recognition, Samantha! That made my day!

Sierra Rose said...

Dog pile!!! Would love to come play with all those toys Sammie!!

Hope to see you soon?

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Dexter said...

I can see how hard you are working in that picture. Good job. I am sure Biggie will be impressed.


Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

That is such a lot of stuffs you has on you!! oh my!

Congrats on your awards, very well deserved!
~lickies, Ludo

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Yay Sammie!!! Congrats on your awards, well deserved!!! Hope the weather clears for you soon!!

lotsa licks,

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We haven't been following Biggie's contest, but it looks like you might be a top contender.

Love the new blog look.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Kari in Alaska said...

did you jump up as soon as the pic was taken and start playing with your toys?

Duke said...

A very impressive pile-up, Sammie! You have over twice the toys on your body as we have on ours!
Congratulations on your awards!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Congrats on your awards Sammie. We are on dial up and that is SLOW. We had not come around to visit in a while because it keeps us real busy answering comments so time has not been there, but today we found 20 nimutes to come and visit you. We miss you Sammie.
Good stay, while Mom piled things on you!!!
Big kiss for you, Bambi & Fern

GSD Adventures said...

Congrats on your awards! We are so impressed with your toy piling ability!!!

Pruett and Daphne

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Oh that's what "Dog Pile" means...Humans, why must they always do that kind of stuff?
Congrats on all your awards Sammie!

Sam & June

Thor and Jack said...

Congrats on your awards!
What a great Dog Pile!

ben said...

Oh my DOG, PAWSOME dog pile. Props to the peeps for getting you to hang out for pilin' and pictures. You know I couldn't sit still for that...

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Congrad's on your awards Samantha.. You really do not look to happy to have all those toys on you....

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Wrigley said...

Congrats on your awards! I love that you are on Team Jacob - we are too.

Wags and kisses,

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Congrats on the awards.

Good luck in the competition, we haven't been following it but have seen a few doggies with toys on top of them posted...hehe

Cocorue said...

hey Sammie, congrats as you're so deserving of the awards.

great dog pile and my paws and mumster's toes are crossed for you


Augie and Ti's mom said...

Congrats on the awards! Dog Pile is the cutest! I like how she's bowing her head as if the toys weigh 5 tons LOL

Asta said...

Ma p'tit Sam
Bien suwe!!! I wish you bon chance!!!!!

I will essayew to get some escawgot to follow my pate,...niammmmm
maybe we can have some ensemle as a celebwation plus tawd, hehehe
gwos bisous

Sally said...

Congrats on your award.
What a great Dog Pile!

Nice woooh

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I've stopped bakhk as part of my Mango Minster 2010 KhatDog group judging!

Thank woo fur entering Ozzie in this pawesome khompetition!

It has been GReat fun snoofing and chasing woo!

Best of lukhk!


How Sam Sees It said...

Congrats on your presents! It is always fun to get surprises! And remember - it is in the Golden Retriever breed description that Golden's are normally seen with a pile of things on them!


Hi! I'm Sierra-Dog! said...

Oh my goodness!!! Thank you Samantha for the award! What a wonderful treat. It was so kind of you to bestow me with the award. LL has been away on business and we just saw the award early, early this morning. I just put in a very special place on my blog and will post about it soon.


Much luv and licks,

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Hi There ... It's ME again ... Just checking again n see if you had a post about Ozzie. Mango's contest is ending today. Mmm I wonder who should I vote for. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar