Whew! We made it - all dressed up for the Oscars and let me tell you - everyone looks so shiny and gorrrrrrrrrrrrgeous!!! We can't hang here on the blog for long, but we wanted to tell you what that crazy thingy was that we showed you a picture of last post!

Remember this picture - below?

Some of you knew exactly what it was! Yup - it's a disc golf "hole!"

This guy's selling the very special discs/frisbees (heheh) they use to tee off, etc. Yeah... they have "driver" frisbees and even "putter" frisbees - isn't that fun? The holes are really far away from each other, so you can get a pawesome run around a frisbee golf course!

Here's a guy "putting" for the hole! We wants to thank everyone who guessed and commented on our hikey! Chester, Wyatt, NanaNor and Zim, over at the Army of Four all knew what that thing was! Zim went on to tell us, incredibly, that the guy who lives across the street from him even has one in his YARD!!! Cool! Well... since that was so fun, here's another picture of something weird! Can you guess what it is? Answers to come soon! Have fun watching the Oscars and be looking for us there!
You guys are looking pretty good all dressed for the Oscars! I never would have guessed what that thing was and my son just started playing that disc golf last summer. Now I know what he's talking about! lol! Your next weird thing, I have no idea!
The other starlets are gonna be sooooo jealous when they see your natural beauty in all your finery. I can't wait to see the headlines with you rubbin' elbows with all them famous 2 leggers. OH, and tell George Clooney he ROCKS 'cuz he's speakin' out and tellin' other 2 leggers to ADOPT shelter dawgs!
I'm clueless as to what that red thingymabob is.
Woofs and clueless slobber,
Chester ;0=)
You girls look smashing!
The red thing looks like a fancy beach umbrella.
Love ya lots,
We have those here - it is a strange sport that Mom has sworn to never try again. She nearly took out a five year old with her first toss.
You both look fabulous! I am sure you will be on the best dressed list!
Your pal, Pip
How did I miss the frisbee golf hole in the last post? Gah! We have them here and I missed yours! Anyway, are those Schutzhund blinds?
You look fabulous and I'm sure the red carpet will never be the same after your walk down it!
You look fabulous. Bet you knocked em all dead in your stunning attire!
Hmm we think the re thingie is a kite?
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
I think I saw you, Sammie and Avalon! I believe they reviewed your red carpet appearance and what you were wearing on Entertainment Tonight! Glamorous!
You get our best dressed votes!!!
Us again is the red thingie a competition hide?
Big no pokes
The ThUgletsx
how weird – we had never heard of Frisbee golf before! What a cool idea ! :-)
You guys look so cute dressed up! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Such a nice post, I enjoyed it a lot! I like your sense of style! Wonderful photos!
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