Thursday, April 14, 2011

Teddy Bear Furbabies Getting Adopted!

Momma's been tryin' to figgur out what to do with her un-PC furs. (She got one -a Chinese Raccoon coat (whimper) fur her 18th birthday from her grandmother.) She inherited a few more from her grandma later - an ermine stole, a fox wrap and a sable coat. And then... she found this site and contacted Liane, the Fairy Godmother, who makes "memory" bears. Momma sent her furses off to Liane. A month or two later, several gorgeous bears arrived in a box, each wrapped in a bootiful fabric bag with a ribbon. Momma wanted to give family members a Teddy Bear in memory of her wonderful grandmother. She started by meeting two of her grandchildren at their school!

Avalon checks some of them out!

They are the most softest, prettiest Teddy Bears we all ever saw. I think you can see that there are some pretty big smiles worn by the adoptees - thank you so much, Liane - what talent you have! C. is pretty happy, alright! And that bear will be furry happy too! Next day, we visited Momma's youngest two grandkids, E. and B. There were eight fur Teddy Bears left!
E. is working hard to choose which furry Baby she'll take fur herself and which her sissie should have as well!

Here is a picture of the Babies they adopted and below are the choices they had to choose from! We still have some stops to make for our Bear adoptions! It's wonderful to have found someone to help us reuse these coats - Liane has apparently made "memory" bears and other animals (bunnies) from especially loved shirts, denims and so on. If you have any fabrics you have a particular fondness for, you can definitely recycle them as a... bear?? Have a wonderful weekend!


Wyatt said...

What a great idea! I love to see things re-purposed! Loved by a new generation :)

Wyatt and Stanzie

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What a wonderful thing to do - And what beautiful bears!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and The Sweet Babes

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

LOVELY both the girrrrls and the bears.

houndstooth said...

What a fabulous idea! I love that! The girls all look so happy, too. I know I'd have been thrilled if I'd gotten a gift like that -- I still would be as a grown up! Those bears must be so soft!

Bunny's mom

I bet they'd make good pillows!


Amber-Mae said...

OH what lovely bears those are! You know, they kinda look like Koala Bears. I don't know. What do you think? I bet the little girls loved theirs!

George The Lad said...

This is a great idea, I love them all.
See Yea George xxx

Infrequent Flyers said...

Amazing! People come up with the most creative business ideas. The bears turned out beautifully, and you got so many out of it. Gotta get on board with those 3 R's - reduce, reuse, recycle!

Unknown said...

What a fantastic idea! I have two coats that we inherited a while back and I've been wondering what to do with them. I looked into taking them to a consignment shop, but that didn't look very promising. I might need to get the contact information on this from you.

The Army of Four said...

What a really cool idea!!!
Those bears are really cool. Liane is very talented!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a wonderful way to remember Grandma!!! Mom says she has at least one mink stole from her mom and just might have to check out Liane too. Those grandbeans sure look very happy with their new bears. And we bet the furs are much happier as bears than stuck in some closet or cedar chest.

Great idea, thanks for sharing.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

And thanks again for your concern for our safety. After seeing all the damage on the news, we know we were very lucky.

Asta said...

Sammie and Avalon
Youw Mom suwe is clevew to hae found this wondewful way to make gwammkids happy and wemembew youw Gwamma such a .
those beaws awe soopew special and willbwing much joy( I bet the beaws awe going to be vewy happy to have someone love and moosh them fow yeaws)
smoochie kisses

Barb said...

Wow - I loved this post and have a fur coat from my Mom that begs for recycling - I'll check out the site. Your grandchildren are VERY adorable! (And look how much they love those bears!) PS I also love the Header!

Emma Rose said...

Wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing this with us :)

Emma Rose

KB said...

Those are amazing teddy bears. What a great and creative idea! Your grandkids must love them! (and you!)

NCmountainwoman said...

Ditto the comments about such a wonderful idea. The bears are great.

Sierra Rose said...

Wow! Now we understand the bear drop offs you were doing, and they are beaufitul!!!! Great memories, and so fun!

Wonderful post!

Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose

Duke said...

What an awesome idea - so much better than a coat hanging in the closet that never gets seen or worn. The furbears are just beautiful!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Kari in Alaska said...

what a great idea!


Sally said...

What a wonderful idea.

Nice woooh

Augie and Ti's mom said...

Oh wow! What a lovely idea! And might I say you have the cutest grandbabies! :)

Lacy said...

w00fs, what a special way to remember ur mamas grandma..those bears are bute ti ful...

b safe,

pps, the kids are precious....

Unknown said...

OH, what gorgeous teddies!!! :-) What a lovely idea.

Hey - Sammie - have you heard about my new contest yet?? Please come over to my blog to check out all the details but I really hope you will enter!! I know you can really strut your stuff (I've seen you in action!) and you & your Mom make a great team! So please, please do give it a go!

Honey the Great Dane

1000 Goldens said...

Such sweet pictures - really beautiful :)