Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Long-Winded Wednesday...

Happy Howl-o-weenies Pals! I don't think Mama picked out a super outfit fur me this year. Personally, I think she still hasn't erased our trip to the Ol' West from her brain cells. I like my costume from last year (bottom) way mo bettah!

Avalon: I also think Mamma did a poor job this year. While I like my princess outfit, it's waaaay too small. Okay...okay, I'm petite, but today, I am feeling especially fat, cause this costume is size LARGE!!!
Don't you think my Howl-o-ween threads were totally more stylin' last year?



Tucker said...

It's ok Avalon. None of the doggie costumes fit me.

Hey Sammie - enjoy the saddle comments, they get old fast!

woof - Tucker

Barbara said...

My doggies refuse to wear anything. They prefer being almost nekkid (have to wear their collars).

We all know you're a princess, and that large was just made small!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We managed to escape the costumes this year. Even Ciara who would really make a great little devil. Your watch was very special last year but we think you make a pretty good bronco-ette for that cowboy and Avalon is a very "fitting" princess.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Mom is STILL trying to gets me to wear one.... ;)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS I thinks you both look wunderful!

Sierra Rose said...

Oh good grief! I have the best costume...are you in? Super fun to dress in, smells oh so yummers, looks fantastic...and edible too! Guess what it is!!?? I know where to find some....Let's go!!!!
Hope your momma's oowwie is ok...we are going to check in soon :)

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Homer said...

Hi Sammie and Cousin Avalon,

Happy Halloween in advance! You guys look great! You should see mine which I think it will be up in a couple days time!


Oskar said...

We got a giggle out of the first one especially!

Could we use these pictures for the Pet Blogs United Halloween Parade? You can e-mail us at PBU at comcast dot net if it's o.k..

Nubbin wiggles,

The Luke said...

I'm not particularly fond of costumes (wearin them, that is) but I love yours!!! You two are MOST adorable!!!

Tell Avalon I know how she feels. My costume is a cop's outfit. It's size XL and I'm burstin out of it!

Happy Howl-O-Ween my Sweets!

wif love from the Luke

Nubbin' Tails said...

Mom wanted to dress Jada and me as Princess Leia and Darth Vadar. Thankfully Dad said NO WAY!


Mr. Nubbin'

Duke said...

We love the cowboy riding on your back, Sammie! We think it is most original!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sonic said...

At least you girls get costumes! I don't get any... But the cowboy on your back is pretty funny! I like it!


Cocorue said...

we can't see the other pics but judging from the comments, we think you look great!

we loooove the cowboy on your back though...

coco and tiffy

Cocorue said...

the pics just came on and we think you look cute in both........hmmmm, cuter in last year's...

coco and tiffy

Kari in Alaska said...

we think you look great in any costume


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Of khourse, we didn't have to wear those outfits but woo do look furry nice in them!

Khyra and The Golden Khousins
PeeEssWoo: Good lukhk to The Giants!

houndstooth said...

I think your costume from last year was great, and this year's isn't too bad. Morgan went as the big bad wolf while I was Little Red Riding Hood this year, so it could be worse!

Isn't it ridiculous what the costume makers' ideas of sizes are? We saw some really cute ones at a couple of places, but thirty pounds is NOT a large dog! It just kinks my tail!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Sammie!
Your costume this year is interesting!
Sorry the other one did not fit you anymore!
Kisses and hugs

Ben said...

We think you look TINE in any outfit.
Ben and the fellas

Wrigley said...

I like both you and Avalon's costumes this year!

Wags N Kisses,

Anonymous said...

Neither of you should have to suffer the humiliation of a costume... but I did have to snicker at the cowboy.

Martha said...

Oh Sammie, these humans do take things too far sometimes!
A cowboy riding on your back for dogness sake!!!
I guess you just have to grin and bear it - which thankfully you appear to be doing. We agree you were a smart watchdog last year - altogether more dignified!
Poor little Avalon - we know the feeling of nothing us you are never going to be small and dainty!
You are big and beautiful.....and very cuddable.
Just go look for a big muddy water hole and have a good roll.
Thankfully Halloween will soon be over.
Martha and Bailey xxx

Buy WoW Priest said...

both of you look adorable.
Sammie should have been a prince to match Avalons' princess outfit. but nevertheless, both of you are cute. can i hug you? teehee

~i <3 Goldens~

Augie and Ti's mom said...

LOL! You both look cute! And btw, sizing on dog costumes is always a big fat lie! People costumes work better for goldens. Not that I've ever bought the boys any costumes. No siree, not me! ;-)

How Sam Sees It said...

Well, Sam is going to have to go as the same bumble bee he was last year... What is wrong with us Mom's?


Ms. ~K said...

Giddy up Sammie!!!

KB said...

I actually love your costume, Sammie! But, last year's was good too. I think your mom does a great job of choosing costumes!

Poor Avalon. Please tell her that she is NOT fat. We don't want her self esteem to suffer. She looks very sweet in her costume! Princess Avalon! If she's the Princess, then you must be the Queen!

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Princess Avalon, you do not look fat at all!
Hey Sammie, gidee up! :)

Sam & June

Taffy said...

I think you both look great in your costumes for this year. I do have to say, I love love love the watchdog costume the best! That gave me a giggle! I have been lucky so far. I think mom bought something for me but I haven't had to wear it yet ;o)

The Oceanside Animals said...
