Just had to let you know that our first stop was by the King's River (and also... by the way... by Highway 99 and a well-used freighter rail line) - ouch!

We feel so privileged to have spent 10 days camping in our California deserts as well as near the highest point in the lower '48; Mount Whitney. We came within 100 miles of Furnace Creek in Death Valley; the lowest point in the lower U.S. What a time we had! It was so hard to edit this photo show and there are still far too many pictures, but we hope you enjoy! Can't wait to find out all about what you've been up to!
An army of Joshua Trees near the Kerns River, where the doggies swam and played!

We stopped at this curiosity store, "Robbers Roost" and were totally taken by the "cashier"!!!

Waking up to a clear, blue sky and straight-arrow view of Mount Whitney - back center!

Our first night provided us with a spectacular sunset show - wowzers!

Oh what a trip! Some spectacular fall colors, majestic rugged backdrops, and fine trails. How amazing!!!! Definitely could see how close you were to the hwy that first night. Oh my! Would love to hear more about your other campsites. Wow! Amazing photo show and photos!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Wowser is right!!! Those are just amazing pikturs! What a wonderful trip you had
We're totally in awe of your pictures! That is one fantastic trip! I can't wait to hear more about it!
Miche- what GORGEOUS photos! We want your itinerary so we can follow in your footsteps! :-) :-) The doggies are looking fabulous! Kiss them both for us!
Sooooo beautiful!
Sure you are having a super duper trip!
Kisses and hugs
Woof! Woof! What GRAND Adventure Trip. Totally Pawsome. Mmmm curious about the "Frog Balls"??? Looking forward to more photos. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Oh, so many pretty pictures and what a great time of year to go! Glad you all had fun!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Frog balls!
What an awesome trip! You guys sure do have your share of the bestest ever fun! Your pictures are fantastic!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
What beautiful pictures!
Hope you have a great trip:)
What a fantastic trip - glad to see you back. That last photo is breathtaking!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Geez... I love the sunsets, I love the rooster cashier dude, I love seeing u chase sticks, I love the red rock canyon, I love seeing you zoom on the trails.. but the only thing I REALLY REALLY wanna know is did you get a bite of dad's cheeseburger.
Wow, what an amazing trip. The photovideo was just awesome. And those individual pics on the post are so beautiful. We envy you your wonderful trips. But we thank you immensely for sharing them too.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
So beootifuls! I can't waits to see more pictures!
WOofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Me again. I wants to clear up your confusions 'bout my Tuesday post...
My cuzin Herschel is da daddy of my cuzin Archie AND my new cuzin Reggie. Archie and Reggie both have da same mom. :) Does dis helps? I hopes so.
Maggie Mae
You're home! What a fabulous camping trip. The pictures were awesome - I loved the stone steps on the path. You got to run and play in the sand and swim too! How did your Mom keep all that sand out of the trailer? :)
Welcome back and thanks for sharing!
Emma Rose
Hi there Sammie!
We enjoyed seeing the sites. The photos are very beautiful!
How we wished we could go to trips like those. Thanks for sharing with us the wonderful photos it's like we've gone with you to that fun trip. Weeeeeee
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max
Gosh, those pictures are crazy-beautiful! You all are SOOOO lucky!
What's a frog ball? Is that a ball that frogs play with?
Wiggles & Wags,
What awesome pictures! Momma says she hopes you didn't buy any joshua tree seeds at the curiosity shop cause they are just a tourist trap. They only grow in a few places in the world. She knows this cause she bought the seeds when she at the GRand Canyon. SHe's a dumb tourist.
woof - Tucker
What an amazing trip! My people went on a fall colors trip this weekend & my mom person is posting those on her blog this week.
I'm so glad you got to go to such cool places.
Nubbin wiggles,
Looks like a lot of fun. Great pictures! Avalon is getting soooo big.
Wags N Kisses,
Thank you for sharing your adventure and thinking of Courage.
Ben and the Fellas
what a trip! Can we go next time?
What a great series of photographs! And what a beautiful area. That may be the most lovely sunset I've ever seen.
WOW! nice scenery! ure so lucky u can be there! =)))
miss sammie!
what a totally super awesome camping trip!! cool hikes and swimmin' and mega car rides all wrapped up into one trip! anywho, how hot was it in the desert? it's a good thingie you had places to go swimmies. i really like the pic of you swimmin' with the stick, and miss avalon is tryin' to catch up to you and maybe grab your stick. :)
the booker man
pee s -- i hope you finally got some of your daddy's cheeseburger. teehee.
Oh my!! That is furry pretty scenery!! You two looked like you were having so much fun swimming and exploring those rocks!! This seems like the most fantastical trip!! We like the video of you two by the campfire too! Thanks for sharing it with all of us!
Gosh - that red sky looks incredible! What a beautiful place to go camping in - you're such lucky pups!
Honey the Great Dane
The sunset was stunning - the mountains were spectacular! Truly magical place and of course two of the most beautiful golden girls - what an adventure.
Sorry we are so behind! We keep thinking we will give up blogging cos we can't keep up and then we stop by and you take our breath away with these amazing pictures.
Martha and Bailey xxx
STUNNING photos!
Tail wags,
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