Monday, July 19, 2010

Summer Things...

Again, that assistant of mine says she's been "crazy bizzy," but I don't think that's a very good excuse for ignoring my blog and even more important, ignoring yours - YOUR new posts. We are gonna try to catch up (again!) in the next couple of days! Actually, there has been a lot going on in my Peeps' lives, which we will tell you about soon... it's exciting! Meanwhile, it's finally warmed up out here and we've been doing a lot of swimming and also some visiting. First up are some pictures from a trip we made to Avalon's birthplace to see her Mom, Sporty, and her two brothers who got to continue living at home!

Look at these "three on a tree"!!! Avalon is left, Ronan in the middle and Thistle on the right. Love those black bellies! She was very happy to see her bros.! I couldn't believe there were "more" of Avalon!

Here's Avalon with her Ma, Sporty, looking very happy! We want to thank Ronan and Thistle's Dad, Don McKee for taking these great photos. Mom took a bunch of pictures too, but they were terrible! Avalon's brothers and Sport also live with K'Ehleyr and Lola - that's a houseful of Goldens, alright! We had a really cool time - thanks Don and Christine!
A few days after the BBQ that you read about in the last post, the Rangers at McInnis put on their annual party here to honor the doggehs who are always visiting this awesome place!

Here's Rob Ruiz handing a dawg to some doggeh's peep! The rangers really go all out, bringing three pools for us, snacks and food for doggies and humans, give an informative talk about canine plans for the park, and finally, they raffle off a lot of really good stuff! Everybuddy gets something! I brought home a bright blue leash with "Marin County Open Space" printed on it!

Scenes of doggies in and out of the big pool, our peeps and me taking a breather - I can't remember the name of that curly haired dude in the upper left corner, but he was a friendly pupper. Thank you McInnis Rangers!

And here we are outside of Sacramento, taking a needed break from a busy day with a dip in the American River. Ahhhhhhh how good it felt - it was about 100 degrees!

While Avalon chased her bumper, I paddled after my trusty kong, relishing the cool. Sacramento is in the central valley, where it does get really hot in summer, so this totally rocked!

WHEEEEEE! Have a good week, pals and stay cool!


Homer said...

Hello Cousins!

We love the picture of 'Three on the tree'! I cannot believe that we are related! Man, we are booti-ful!


Erin said...

You guys are freakin adorable! :)

Stella said...

What a lovely pile of Golden pix you showed us! From top to bottom, they are all beauties!


Sam said...

I'm glad that you've been up to lots of fun stuff in your little hiatus from blogging. Good for you. :)

Nubbin' Tails said...

You guys look like you had a great time! So wonderful what the Rangers do!


Mr. Nubbin'

PeeS. My mom knows all about crazy bizzy!

Barbara said...

Trixie and Minnie are upset that you were near Sacramento and didn't let them know!!

PS: How do you keep from popping that pool?

Stephanie said...

look at all those smiles!! Happy dogs! Looks like it's a great summer so far!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Goldens Playing in the water that is kissed by the Golden SUN. What could ever be better????

Kari in Alaska said...

wow there sure has been lots going on!

Don't forget, we are changing our blog this Friday. Please update your reader to follow

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...
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♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great summer fun for all of you - we bet you had so much fun in all that water. We loved seeing Avalon with her mom and brothers. Looks like her bros are bigger than she is. And we wonder if she is going to stay light or will she darken as she gets older? We sure can see lots of changes in Ciara's colors.

Very hot here too, very hot.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Ms. ~K said...

Thanks for the smiles!

Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

Cute three on the tree photo. How tough was that? :-)

D.K. Wall said...

Summer looks great - and three on a tree was perfect!

P.S. - Our word of the day is imitate. Not sure what it means with this post, but we like it.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

You are too busy having fun to blog, and I'm glad you're enjoying yourself--When you're done playing, we'll still be here! :-)))

Lorenza said...

Sure you have been enjoying all these days!
Three in a Tree! Adorable!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Um, so, the Three on a Tree picture just might be the cutest picture that there ever was. Seriously. Ever.

Wiggles & Wags,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom just showed your beaWOOtiful pikhs to Auntie Di!

What great times woo had!

Thanks fur sharing!

Mom is smiling - our word is KEHONES!

Khyra and Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: We khan't wait to hear the news!

Yas said...

Goldens in the sun!

Greeeat pics! Thanks for sharing your day with us!


Thor and Jack said...

Thanks for sharing Avalon's mom and brothers! Love the Three on the tree picture!
Looks like you all had fun times!
What a bunch of beautiful goldens!

Infrequent Flyers said...

Is it biased to say Avalon is the cutest? I need to meet that pretty little pup!

Sierra Rose said...

Ah! The days of summer! Love the tree with Av and sibs, just fabulous! The ranger pawty was fantastic wasn't it!? And, your Sacramento swim and those beautiful pebbles!! Cool waters and your smiling faces :)

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Maggie Mae and Max said...

That Three on a Tree is so cute.
What a fun time for all of you! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

KT and Easton said...

What a pawsome trip and beautiful pictures of our favorite subject:


You got some good looking relatives Sammy.

Beth and Alfie said...

Great pictures -- I especially like the last one where Avalon's ear seems to be blowing in the breeze -- cute! ;-) What fun you've been having!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Oh, look at the three happy puppies!

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Three On the Tree! LOL! So so cute!

Sam & June

Valerie Cummings said...

Three on a tree!!!! How precious!!!! And she smiles like Kealani!!!! Sammie youre so lucky to have the water to swim in!!!! Youre looking good sister!!! Hugs Joey and Kealani

The Life of Riley said...

What great photos - of course I am biased, as being a Golden Retriever I think any photos of dogs like me are wonderful. It looks like you all had a great time.


KB said...

I LOVE the photo of Avalon and her brothers. That's simply beautiful and so cute! It's a keeper!!!!!

It's very fun that you can go see her family. I'm jealous.

Duke said...

The river looks so refreshing, Sammie!
What beautiful pictures!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Hi There Oh how cute is that photos of Avalon with her bros. Funny cause my breeder told my mom that weeks after they were born n separated they don't really know that they are siblings ... just being regular dogs having fun. We visited Don n Christine's site .... Mmmm great Golden dogs. Mom wants to get one ???
It's been hot hot hot here n my pees are busy too ... having difficulties catching-up on visiting blogs too. Can't wait to hear your exciting news ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Life With Dogs said...

WOW is somebody growing up fast! I'm glad you're getting all of these pics before puppyhood escapes you. :)

Pat Wahler said...

What fun! Your brothers are adorable!


Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Looks like you are staying mighty cool with all of your water activities!!

We LOVE that picture of the 3 on the Tree!! FAB-U-LOUS!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We love the first picture. That is so cool. Now the last one isn't bad either...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

How Sam Sees It said...

Those are some great pics! I wish we had water to go to!


The Army of Four said...

Woo, Sammie! What great pix! How cool that the Rangers throw you pups a party! That's really nice of them. Did any of them play Kong on a Rope with you?
Avalon looks so cute with Roman and Thistle!

Asta said...

I hope youw eye is bettew..seems like we awe twins in eye goop, hehehe,those pictoowes awe pawsome..I love Avalon's othew family they all look so happy and those swimmie pics make me long fow some cool's been an awfully hot summew hewe
keep staying cool and having fun sweet fwiends
lsmoochie kisses

the booker man said...

miss sammie,
my mama claims she's been "crazy bizzy", too! whatevs!
how funsies that miss avalon got to visit with her mama and her brothers! i love the picture of her and her mama can totally see how they look alike.
that annual pawty thingie looked so way awesome! swimmies and food and prize pressies, oh my! :)
the booker man

LuckyPups said...

So Cute!!

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Thank you!

Augie and Ti's mom said...

Oh my gosh--Avalon and her family--how adorable!!