Max. You are the the Creme de la Creme Tour Operator when it comes to hosting foreigners to your country. With fanfare and flourishes, you guide wayward tourists through parks with truly wild aminals, present interesting foodables to your followers, and point out extraordinary scenery, such as Table Mountain with that special "layer of tablecloth." I would love to show you San Francisco from a unique vantage point! But first...

... you'll need to don some flowers in your hair! There ya go! Let's trip on up to the Marin Headlands where we can get the perfect view of everything "San Francisco"! (There's some gentle doggies there hehee!)

You can lay down here on this log, and I'll do some woofing about those "little cable cars that climb halfway to the stars"... well, according to somebody called Tony Bennett! Tony also says that "the morning fog may chill the air - but he doesn't care!" I'm pretty sure you don't mind a bit of fog, Max. I think I'll just lie down there with ya too and warm up a bit as we check out the view!

Look at that city beyond the Golden Gate Bridge! I can't tell you how incredibly grateful we are that you've woofed so much about South Africa to us all - thank you, thank you bigtime, our 'round the world friend. We know you have so many more pups to visit on your world tour, but we really appreciate your stopping by here on your global trip.
While you hang here in San Francisco
Above the blue and windy sea
I woof to you while we watch over San Francisco
Your golden sun shines out to me!
You will always shine for us, Max! Happy Valentine's Day, dear pup and thanks a billion for stopping by.
Mom has THAT smile!
The flowers in your hair was a pawesome start - and from there...
Thanks fur showing Max such a great time in a furry nice city with a furry special GiRl!
PeeEssWoo: Happy Valentine's Day!
It looks like a lovely day there in San Francisco! I'm glad you had so much fun with Max!
Great to see he has made it to the left coast! And it looks like Max has a pretty girl to spend time with, not bad! ♥
Hey ya Sammie!! Fun tour with sweet Max! I think he is headed my way next...Yeaooooo!!
Wonderful post my friend.
Happy Valentine's Day Sammie!
Ps...put some cute parkie vids up earlier today...remember those bagels!!??!?!?
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Very nice! That is a great view you showed him! The flowers are very sweet too!
p.s. Remember you just visited the Keys during mango Minster? ;-)
The warmth of two beautiful golden retrievers in the warmth of the sunny day of San Francisco was just what we all needed, and we're sure Max appreciated. It must have filled his heart with even more love. This will be a day to remember. For everyone. And especially for Max.
Thank you for sharing it.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
No doubt Max will leave his heart in San Francisco! Did you go down to Fisherman's Wharf and see the seals and eat some crabs and have an authentic Irish Coffee? A perfect day!
Your pal,
Gosh Max is having a fantastic world tour!!!!!
I like the flower headband
Our momma is going from blog to blog and bawling her eyes out reading about Max but she is also celebrating the young love between our Miss Camille Suzanne and her dearest Dante.
The circle of life - so mysterious...
Scout and Freyja and the kitties
Fun post! Looks like a great visit to me!
Emma Rose
Hi Sammie!
Thanks for sharing your fun post today. We are truly enjoying the Max Tour Stories it's really pawesome for you to be part of it. Max is busy seeing the beautiful parts of the world as he has shared with us everything that is great about his home too. We sure hope we could take part in this tour so he could see our beautiful home too.
The golden gate photo is so perfect too.
Happy Hearts Day!
-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
Dear Sammie
My mom is smiling from ear to ear with tears dripping down her face (did you send your fog to SA perhaps?) What a beautiful post and what an incredible surprise it has been to wake up to this amazing Valentine's tour of the world!!
I LOVED San Francisco harbour and that view which you took me too, Sammie. It has been wonderful to spend this special, precious time with you and absorb all the love you have to offer.
...I will NEVER forget this special Valentine's day.
I love you very much and appreciate your love too.
We are really enjoying the world tour and love the scenes of San Francisco.
What a very special tour you took Max on in San Francisco. It was just the most perfect tour - we enjoyed it so much!
Happy Valentine's Day
lots of love
Clive and the NSLM
What a wonderful time with Max! Looks like you had pretty fun!
Beautiful scenery!
What a wonderful post!
Happy Valentine's Day!
What a beautiful vision of Sierra Rose and Max on the Marin Highlands. That was the perfect place to take him. You're right, Maxdog will always shine!
Mommi sang me a sweet song while i wead youw bootiful post..she was gwinning and saying how bootiful you and Max awe wif flowews in youw haiw. Something about hew yooth, hehehehe..I know Max left his heawt wif you thewe
smoochie kisses
I just realized that I called you Sierra Rose, Samantha... I'm so sorry, and I don't know how to edit my comment. It's a compliment to both of you that you have such happy hearts and beautiful faces that I mixed up your names for a second!
Oh Sammie! If I ever make it to SF, I want you to be my tour guide.
What a perfectly wonderful time you and Max had.
That's a beautiful post, Samantha.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Hi Sammie, we seem to have been all around the world with Max today.
Lovely for us to end up in San Francisco.
Of course our mum can't get the song out of her head!
Lovely post.
Martha & Bailey xx
How sweet, Samantha!!! We are sure that Max will be telling his mom that you were a wonderful hostess. He must have been very impressed by San Francisco. Wasn't it so much fun showing Max some love and fun for Valentine's Day?
Happy Valentine's Day.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
I feel like I've been on a tour too!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!
Yes Sammie....
we agree with you...
he will shine for us furever!!!!
You had a wonderful time with MAx!!!!
Ohhhhhhh...the Golden Bridge is fabolous...and you and Max had a wonderful and special place where see San Francisco!!!!
What a lucky boy....first because he were with such a beautiful girl...second...because you were a special hostess for him....third because you showed him wonderful places!!!!
Sure you were a gorgeous match!!!!
And we know he will have had special moments with you!!!!
HAppy happy happy VAlentine's day sweety!!!!
WE LOVE YOU and your special humans!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
It's nice to see all Max's friends showing him a good time around the world!
What a great time you and Max had... this has been the best Valentines day EVER!!!
Max must have love San Francisco, who wouldn't!!
Happy Valentine's Day!
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