We have the lights on the tree and holiday music playing while we make doggie cookies!

Rolling out the doggie cookie dough...

Sierra Rose is over to help.

Okay, you're doing a good job.

Great work! Glad you didn't burn those - I'll give one of those a try - just to make sure.

Awwwww... c'mon!

I want one too!

Finally I think I'm going to be a cookie tester. After all, I've been so good and I am very hungry!

Me too... ohhhhh... that looks so yummy!

That was scrumptiers! Can I have another?

Uh oh! Distraction!!!
Ozzie: Uh Oh... Sierra's baaaaackkkk.
Well... they worked their problems out and now we need to decorate our doggie cookies!
Ohhhh.....they look so yummsers! Give me one now!

Ohhhhhh... Thank you - delicious!!!

Can I have just one more?

OK! Sierra here. My turn! You probably owe me like thirteen cookies!!!! Well alrighty! Thank you! (PS: I did snaggle quite a few ho ho ho!) And then it was time to go home.

Sierra never leaves without giving me a giant hug (isn't that nice???). Tonight, I thought I'd let you see our kissies! Nighty night. Oh and BTW, Grandpeep has started a new bloggie about her adorable baby rats, Pandy and Lulu. Stop by her place if you'd like at
http://grandpeeprats.blogspot.com. Happy Holidays!
How wonderful! Making Christmas cookies with the people you love. They look really yummy too! The Duchess isn't much of a cook so we have never had a home made cookie. I loved the last picture. Best friends are very special.
Emma Rose
Beautiful pictures of Sammie!
Wow...those biscuits are incredible! Mom must have spent hours on them!
Wishing you all a warm, wonderful and happy Christmas and new year!
With much love
That last pikh is priceless!
You 2 are adorable!!! I just want to jump in for a group hug!
I can hear the crunch of you guys snacking on your cookies from all the way over here. :)
WOW! Those cookies look expesially delicious!!! Glad you got to be the taste tester. I mean really, how could any 2 legger resist those 2 adorable faces?
Merry Christmas to you all!
Chester ;0=)
Those do look good. We need to convince the humans to bake for us.
You lucky dog. All those cookies just for you!
Are those cookies for kitty cats too?????? Holiday FUN...I LOVE IT!
your cat pal,
What wonderful photos and lucky dogs. I love the kiss at the end. How very sweet.
BTW - just wanted to add that the toppings are white chocolate and carob! Thanks for stopping by!
xo Sammie
You 2 are such great helpers. What would mom do without testers?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Do you want kill us?????
Tons of delicious treats...and we can't eat nothing?????
What a great great pics....and Sierra was with you!!!!
Sure you and your humans had wonderful time together!!!
We're sooooooooooooooooooo sad haven't been with you!!!!
We miss you a lot!!!
Pleaseeeeeeeeeee....can you send us some of your biscuits??
Or could you give the recipe to our mommy so she could make them for us???
Hope to hug you a lot again very very soon!!!
Mommy send a special kiss and sweet hugs to your mommy and dad!!!!
Awww, great parting hug!
*more drools*
Those cookies look so nommy!
BOL how many did you eat?
*keeps on drooling*
I want that hug too...*wooooooof*
Can we come to your house too? Your cookies looks so yummy - Sierra Rose is so lucky to be your furiend.
Love that last pic.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi ya Sammie!!! That was mighty fun wasn't it! Thank you for hosting our cookie party. ALWAYS a grand time at your house!
We're on our way home from the SNOW....my first day in the snow!!! Loved it, tried to dig myself a snow tunnel....
Much love from all of us!!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Love the last picture!
Happy Howlidays!
Hi, Sammie!
Wow! Sure you did a pawesome job supervising and test-tasteing those cookies! And sharing them with Sierra Rose!
Glad you had a great time!
Kisses and hugs
Sammie, I love that you got to assist with baking and be a taste tester with Sierra. You two are so lucky to have each other :) Love the photo of you snuggling after some delicious snacks!
Hey Sammie. Looks like you and Sierra had a great time baking. Those cookies looked yummylicious. Where did your Mommy get the recipe? We love your hugs with Sierra Rose at the end.
Tucker and Daisy
Ewwww.... Sam drooled all over the keyboard looking at those cookies. They look good enough for hoomans to eat! I may have to bake a few for Sam and Cisco!
Sam's Mom
Wow! How neat you got some home baked cookies! Its so nice to have Sierra over to visit and we love the last picture of you hugging! We want some hugs to! love you! Hugs Joey and Kealani
How pretty your cookies are, Sammie! We bet they were so yummy!
How nice to have a BFF!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Alright Sammie
You bring those cookies and we can frolic in the snow. You got yourself a deal.
You make a fantastic cookie tester!
mmm those look good! you sure are a lucky pup
Oh those look goooooooooood! You two are very lucky! Merry Christmas from Augie and Ti~~
Sammie, tell Mom to blog the recipe for those doggie cookies so all the Moms can make them for their animals. Lets get these Moms busy baking while the animals are the test tasters!!!!!! I use to make cookies for Joker and for Amanda, but I can't find that recipe! Thank-you for your great post today Sammie! I love it, Fern
Cookie testing is very serious business. You did a fabolous job keepin' the peeps focused at the task at hand - keepin' the golden tummy full and happy.
You two look like the bestest of FURends. We will be hosting our doggy cousins this Christmas at our place. Isn't it fun spending time with those you love♥
Thanks for coming over to our blog, Sammie. We'd love to meet you, too. I know you get together with Sierra sometimes--that's so fun. What a pretty golden you are--and I love your red snowflake sweater!
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