Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Let Us Not Malign Our Teachers

So here I am in the Obediencemobile with Moritz, my commuting Corgi pal.

I feel that I may have maligned my teach a couple of blogs ago, when I let the cyberworld know that she called me fat. She's jes watchin' my back. Actually, I want to dedicate this post to her. She's been working out of the Oakland Dog Training Club for a long time - and does it for free. She opens up the place at 2PM every Monday and doesn't leave until the Utility Dogs are done - often around 10PM. Wow.

The sun-weathered sign belies the marvellous toys and games that exist behind this door. I like this place a lot and so does Moritz. You can tell, cause we whimper and whine when we arrive, begging to get out.

Barbara, above, caring for these cute Westies as she directs her pupil (that you can't see). They are barking their heads off as Moritz and I enter the place. Soon the Westies leave and it's my turn to learn!

I greet Barbara enthusiastically, cause for some reason (can't think what) I really dig her.

We start off practicing the forced dumbell retrieve. Now. Get this. For me to have to lower myself to a "forced" retrieve is ridiculous. I readily pounce after kongs, balls and bumbers happily returning them time after time. But ya think I wanna chase after and return a dumbell? No way. So Barbara starts me out with this.

Hate it.

Hate it more. But I don't get why.
At least I have great cheese-catching skills!

Moritz is starting his "Open" training. His mama has to throw a dumbell over the jump, command Moritz to "Over" the jump, then retrieve the dumbell and then finally, jump back over and come face front to his mama. Amazing job.

Okay, next? Here's Bella, who is also working on her "Open." Isn't she purty? And she's real nice too.

Thank you so much Barbara. You've given me a lifetime's worth of pawesome skills. Huggies.
PS: Barbara said my waistline was showing again - ya-hoo!!!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Ya-hoo fur woo!

Tank woo fur sharing!


Dog By Nature said...

You're so talented Sammie...and your coat looks great (did you have a bath recently, you look very fluffy!)


M, S & Kona

Sam said...

Glad your waist is back - we can't have a pretty girlie like you getting chubby, you've got obedience competitions to win :P

Thanks for showing us around your training club, sure does look like a nice place.

Ben said...

You are lookin' purty. I barely passed basic obedience...so in my eyes you are a superstar. Showing a little waist is a good thing, we got our joints to take care of...that's why I stay skinny, but then I only have 3 legs - BOL!!!

Kari in Alaska said...

you sure look happy in that last pic!

Yas said...

Kongrats on getting your waist-line back! I'm still trying to look for mine..


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! What a great you had. You did a great job working with Barbara. glad to hear about your waistline. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Our Mom is so envious - she wishes there was a place near by for us to go for training.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, that was so fun to watch. Many people don't realize all the hard work on the part of both the trainer and the pup to learn all these things. We think you like Barbara because she is just really a nice lady.

Woos, the OP Pack

Chester said...

Thanks for showin' us around your school-looks like a fun place and have to say, a real nice teacher. Maybe if you take her an apple she won't be so hard on you.

A Tee shirt that says "Will work for Cheese" would probably make her laugh too.

Lookin' GOOD Sammie!
Chester ;0=)

Valerie Cummings said...

You look beautiful Sammie!!!! We sure miss you still! Hugs JOey and Kealani

Dexter said...

Some of those doggie teachers just LOVE to teach and they are really cool. I think the dumbell retrieve looks kind of hard.


Sierra Rose said...

Nice work Sammie! Barbara is an amazing teacher! Maybe the dumbell handle needs to be made out of REAL string cheese! You would get it every time. Mortiz is a cutie.
See ya pal!!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

The Army of Four said...

That's really cool, Sammie! And hey! Look! There's a puppy who looks exactly LIKE Moritz, running and jumping right beside him! What are the odds of... excuse me a minute. Yes, Ammy? There's a what on the wall? It's a... oh. Oh, I get it. Sorry, Sammie. Don't tell Stormy I said that about the Moritz double, OK? Thanks. Woo.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Yeah for waistlines!!!

Wait...what is a waistline, I don't think I have one....


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What a great time and such wonderful friends..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Duke said...

You are such a beautiful girl, Sammie!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Farley said...

You are beautiful sweet Sammie girl!

Ms. ~K said...

Barbara must be a special person and what a great job!
You're looking good Sammie!

Unknown said...

You have a pawsome teacher but why does she keep saying your a bit pudgy? I think you look great. Hey. that cheese catching is great. I have to tell my trainer- mom to do that. Maybe I'd pay attention to her then.

Maxmom said...

Hey Sammie
Sounds like you guys get quite a workout there. Barbara looks cool!
Lotsalicks, keep well and thanks for all your warm wishes and uplifting comments.

Maxmom said...

Hey Sammie
Sounds like you guys get quite a workout there. Barbara looks cool!
Lotsalicks, keep well and thanks for all your warm wishes and uplifting comments.

Martha said...

Hi Sammie, we think you are very clever indeed. It was nice to meet Moritz - at first we thought he was a basset and the westies.
We thought you did well and were looking very pretty.
We bassets have no waistline so it saves us looking for it!!!
Remember Sammie humans are obsessed with weight issues!!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

Augie and Ti's mom said...

That place looks super-cool! How nice that you dedicated a blog entry to your teacher :)

animal lover, quilt lover said...

You are doing really good!! Your page took a while to load but it was worth it. Very good pictures!!
Good job Sammie and Mom
Bambi sends tail wagging,
Happy purrs, & I send Hugs

animal lover, quilt lover said...

You are doing really good!! Your page took a while to load but it was worth it. Very good pictures!!
Good job Sammie and Mom
Bambi sends tail wagging,
Happy purrs, & I send Hugs

animal lover, quilt lover said...

You are doing really good!! Your page took a while to load but it was worth it. Very good pictures!!
Good job Sammie and Mom
Bambi sends tail wagging,
Happy purrs, & I send Hugs

Unknown said...

Glad to hear your waistline is back Sammie! Good work! I wish I could say the same!

Sue & the Golden Gang!

Anonymous said...
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The Luke said...

I fink you look most beautiful, Miss Sammie!

We have lots in common... we boaf do not like dumb bells and we boaf do love the cheese!

It was very fun seein your day!

wif love from the Luke

Unknown said...

Hey Sammie - does your human do any clicker training with you? See, I hated retrieving the dumbbell too and trying to "force" it into my mouth just caused me to hate it even more! (Although I readily pick up stuffies and things) - so anyway, my human decided to try using the clicker and it was amazing! I was happily and enthusiastically picking it up and bringing it back in just 1 session! Anyway, if you're interested, here's a video we made of how to shape a retrieve: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAtDw87bhcw - and if you have any other questions, just ask!

Honey the Great Dane