Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Amazing Road Trip - Part II

We have arrived! And check out the gorgeous pups that greet me!!! Joey and Kealani!!! I am so happy to meet them. They show me around the very pawsome place here and then...


Paco, Milo and Maya's wonderful Mama and Papa!!! They never stop giving us doggies pats and rubbies all week! We all adore Simona and Marco. They are too generous and bring us the most thoughtful, amazing gifts. LOOK at my Dad's tie. It has my fave picture of me on it repeated again and again. Mom receives a wonderful t-shirt with pix of Milo, Paco and Maya on the back and of me on the front!!! Mom is still wearing this shirt as she types!

Here are some links to photos of all the fun we had for the next couple of days. Hope you enjoy and thanks for stopping by for Part I. So many bloggie pals have spent time in lots of the places we visited - wish you were closer to the Bay Area!!!




The last Part III post will be coming up soon... after we keep trying to catch up with your NUZE!!! Happy Tuesday!


SEDONA said...

What pawsome gifts, so personal! I want to see the t-shirt with you on it up close!
Your pal,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


The fun ALL of woo had!


Tank woo fur sharing it with us!


Thor and Jack said...

Hi Sammie! What a pawsome time you all had! Lovely pressies! Thanks for sharing with us.


YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

OMD, we did not know that Paco, Milo & Maya's pawrents are visiting you guys as well! That's so pawsome. Now we wish we live in CA.

Sam & June
p/s: mom is jealous but don't tell her we told you that.

Valerie Cummings said...

Miss you Love you kisses!!!!!!!! Kealani is missing Sammie!!!!! Awesome pictures Miche!!!!!!
OXOXOXOX Hugs Joey and Kealani

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Sammie ... what a great trip. I am so jealous that you met so many of our blogger friends & family. Mmmm yummy pizza. Love the video montage n your are so lucky to go swimming. can't wait to see PartIII of your trip. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How exciting!!! It sure looks like it was a fun visit for the pups and the pawrents alike. Your two photoshows were awesome - so very well presented. Thanks for sharing.

Woos, the OP Pack

Raising Addie said...

OMD you guys are sooooo very lucky!!! You got to meet Simona and Marco!! AND it looks like they made their famous pizza for you!! TOO COOL!

Wonderful pictures! We can't wait to see more!

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

Martha said...

Oh how amazing is that - you were so lucky to meet Paco, Milo and Maya's mum and dad!!!!!!
What great fun and what great pics.
We are all sooooo jealous.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

Mason Dixie said...

Whew, all caught up with you =) you have been quite the busy body over there. How lucky you are to get to meet fellow DWB members. Very jealous.

Sam said...

You sure know how to live life to the fullest, Sammie. What a great trip!

Sierra Rose said...

Yea Sammie! Fantastic time and great pix and videos!!!! Love the music and everything about them. Hope you get to visit with your pals again!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Homer said...

The photos are Bellissma!!!!

So, when are you guys coming over to Italy???


Unknown said...

Oh, I have so enjoyed going on your road trip with you so far! Wish I lived in America too then I might get a chance to visit some of those places...!

And am so envious that you get to meet Paco & Milo's humans!

Honey the Great Dane

The Army of Four said...

You got to meet Paco, Milo and Maya's mom and dad!?!?!? That is so COOL!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sammie!
Sure it was pawesome to meet Simona and Marco! They are great persons!
Very nice presents!
Kisses and hugs

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...


What a fun time with such pawsome friends!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Samantha,
What a GReat adventure. That was very nice of Simona and Marco to bring such thoughtful gifts; Paco, Milo and Maya are lucky to have such a nicve mom and dad just like you are (and us too). We look forward to Part III.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hello Samantha,
It looks like you all are having a great trip!!
Lots of fun!!
Thanks for letting us come along with you. Enjoying it very much.
Thank you Samantha, Bambi and Fern, her Mom

Scout and Freyja said...

WOWZA! You just have the most and bestest times ever over there in California! Friends are such blessings, aren't they?

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Oh my gosh, what amazing photos!! Looks like a great vacation with great friends!!

Elizabeth & Luna

Duke said...

How fabulous that you get to meet Simona and Marco! What thoughtful pressies and pizza too! You are one lucky doggie, Sammie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Cocorue said...

love your videos and say hi to Simona and Marco if they're still around.......wished we were in the US right now as we ...eh mumster loooves the Bay Area

sooooooooo sooooooo envious but happy for you guys


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What great gifts and how nice to meet Paco, Milo and Maya's Mom and Dad - we knew they were on a trip, but we didn't know they were coming to see you!! What fun!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Unknown said...

What great pictures! I LOVED your slideshows! So well done!

Sure wish we could have spent more time together. Hopefully there will be a "next time" soon!

Sue & the gang

Life With Dogs said...

I love these posts - it's like free travel! :)

Astrid Keel said...

what super gifts!!!