Tiburon = Shark!!!

Today, we went to "Blackie's Pasture" in Tiburon (which translates to shark), where I've been many times before, but have never told you about how special it is. I am very lucky to have so many places to frolic here offleash - open space and other parks where doggies like me get to play. Blackie has his own website (
www.tiburonpeninsulafoundation.org/blackie.htm) if you want to know more.

There is a life-sized sculpture of Blackie standing in the pasture where he spent so many years, by Albert Guibara. It was erected in June 1995 to honor Blackie.

Kids love to toss me my kong, cause I bring it back every time heheh! These siblings were fighting over who got to toss it to me!

There are many people memorialized at this "park" for the things they have contributed to their community: Tiburon.

Of course what I love best about "Blackie's Pasture" is the swimming!

C'mon Dad, I'm ready!

Note the San Francisco "marine layer" coating the City!


Here it is! Again!

That's enough! Let's take a walk!

A little kong toss on the grass now!

Okay Sammie, time for our picnic surprise - just behind this tree!

Check this OUT!!! A gazebo!

This is a very special place, I'll have you know...
About 40 years ago, a Tiburon native, Barbara Meislin had a daughter Lori, aged 7, who died from a mysterious disease. She donated this gazebo to the Tiburon Foundation in Lori's honor. A very special place, indeed.
The ceiling has stars all over it.

This is what is says: "Beloved little lady Lori Margo Meislin Child of Sunlight, Child of Starlight, child of Moonlight, Grace, Shine Your Joyous Light of Love on all who Find this Place * The 25th Day of June 1994.

As we make our way south, we watch the "marine layer" dissipate until we can see the city of San Francisco - woowee!

As we are munching on our picnic, Dad pulls out a treat for me - some roast beast cold cuts! Then a new friend trots up! Her name is Samantha too! We shares our goodies together and made palsy-walsies! Too cool!

I just gotta have some more swimsies, so Dad obliges, tossing me the kong (hmmm - one of the last times, I suspect...)

And here is the San Francisco Bay Bridge, closed this weekend, causing all kinds of havoc all over the place. Still in the fog....behind Tiburon and Belvedere Island... behind all kindsa boats.

Hey! Here's Luma! She's had 26 puppers for Guide Dogs for the Blind. What an awesome woman she is! Ya gotta loves her!
One of the last tossers from Dad on the way back to the car. Whooo! Has this been a pawesome day!
But veee-eery thirsty!

Look! It's Dennis! Naw... not really, but Chontsil looks like him!

And here's Alex! Isn't he amazing!
Jes checkin' things out again... oh, man. Don't wanna go home.
Hi, Sammie!
Blackie's Pasture is a very special place!
I read his story. Sure he was special too!
Playing, swimming, meeting friends!
Sounds great to me!
Kisses and hugs
hello sammie its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay so that is the vizsla yoo wer tawking abowt!!! hay this blackie horse reminds dada of a horse naymd thunder wot yoozd to liv in the pastcher wot dada wood cut thru on his way to skool thunder always wood come over and the kids wer skayrd of him but it turns owt he wuz just hoping they wood giv him a carrot or an appel or sum shoogar kyoobs!!! and not only that thunder wuz so small that wen dada came bak to see him after dada wuz a grownup dada wuz a kuple feet taller then him!!! ha ha ok bye
So Sammie:
PeeEssWoo: Tank woo fur sharing!
Hey Sammie,
I'd say that is just about the best day you could have in the best place!
Thanks for taking us along with you.
Sammie, what a cool place to hang out!
I think I want your life Sammie...
Hey there Sammie
That was a really interesting and beautiful place you went to. We wish we could have been there with you. You look so happy swimming and your humans look like they had fun too. Thanks for sharing your lovely, action-filled pictures.
Lots of licks
You had fun that day,
thanks for sharing it with us :)
Amazing shots all ....
kareltje =^.^=
What a lovely day you had. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
What an awesome day. You got to meet lots of new friends - human and canine - and swim and catch and - phew. We would sleep for 36 straight hours after all of that.
What a special place you have to visit Sammie! Thanks for sharing it with us!
your cat pal,
Thanks for sharing your day at Blackie's Pasture with us, Sammie! What a beautiful place for 2-leggers & 4-leggers alike!
Your pal,
What a wonderful day!!! My Mama has seen that water before and says BBBRRRRRRRRR I told her that your furs kept you nice and toasty!!
Woo! What a great day! I wish I'd been there! Those kids could have thrown me the Kong, too! Wouldn't that be great to play Kong-on-a-Rope together!?!?!
Not sure about the water.... but I'd be willing to try.
What a very special place you have there! I hope you get to go again soon!
wow, what a wonderful place. I love your pictures. Fantastic.
Nice woooh
Wow, how beautiful! You are sooo lucky! The water looks yummy!
And picnicking under a gazeebo? I don't believe it? Now I'm really depressed!
"I Left My Bone In San Francisco, la, la, la!"..... Sing it, Tony! My name is Riley, you silly girldog!
Riley and star.
What a very beautiful and special place to visit!!! That gazebo was so nice. Such a nice tribute to the little girl. Glad you had such a day, Samantha.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Wow, Sammie, what a great day. You have the best adventures. Wish we lived closer to you.
Tucker and Daisy
P.S. Our mommy read the book your mommy read last week, and she cried and hugged us when it was over.
Blackies' pasture is magical. Just a gem and you are lucky to go there.. and get roast beef. I hope you go there again so I can visit
What a wonderful place! Wish we could've been there..
Your friends seems cool too! And Sammie, we really envy the fact that you go for swimming with kong toy a lot!
Hi Sammie!!! You sure are one lucky golden!!! I loved looking at all your pics, they are beautiful!!! I'm gonna try to convince mom to pack our bags and live in your neighborhood, we don't have anything like that here!!! Thx for sharing!!!
lotsa licks,
Sammie, what great fun you had! I loved all the pictures, especially the ones of yuo in the water!
Hi Sammie
We loved your post with beautiful pictures. How great to find out all about Blackie. We thought Luma was beautiful and hey that did look like Dennis!
You look amazing swimming in the water! Our favourite pic was you standing all dripping wet - what a happy face!!!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Hi Sammie
We loved your post with beautiful pictures. How great to find out all about Blackie. We thought Luma was beautiful and hey that did look like Dennis!
You look amazing swimming in the water! Our favourite pic was you standing all dripping wet - what a happy face!!!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Hi Sammie,
What a pawsome day you had, especially the swimming! Could you send some of that marine layer down our way? We need some cool air:)
Hi Sammie!
What a wonderful time at Blackie's Pasture! Great day, nice picnic...super doggies.
Hope to see you soon my friend!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose and mom
What an absolutely awesome place!!
Hi Samantha,
A life size scuplture of Blackie the horse! Wow! That's interesting!
And, thanks for sharing your wonderful day with us.
Hi Samantha,
We have an award waiting for you. Please come by and pick it up and if you haven't signed our Guestbook, please do that too.
Riley and Star.
ohhh wow! what a great day!
licks pu
Looks like you had a lot of fun.
what a great story and great doy to be running and playing
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
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