Friday, July 3, 2009

Pool Time and A Visit

Mom, mindless of the fact that we have a drought on, let my pool overflow - like a lot. See for yourself. Of course, I didn't mind, so I hopped on in - it was very hot and felt superlicious!
Here I am, playing with my football!
That squeaky thing is making me crazy!
Dang! I can't find it... but then I got distracted, cause the doorbell rang and I hoot and yelp and bark my guts out whenever that happens. Mom hasn't figured out how to stop me from doing this. Look who showed up! Sierra Rose!!!

Isn't she the sweetest thing you ever saw? Oh my dogness, look at her! And I couldn't "play" with her - imagine!

I'm trying to communicate a la doggie, but the moms didn't pay any attention to that!

It would be so perfect! She thinks I'm sort of her mom and I think I have a new fur-real playmate - right now - this little soulmate of mine! Why can't I play with her?

I get the pats and loving and the "it's okay Sammie, pretty soon you guys will get to play..." stuff.

OMD! There she is, just dying to play with me! (Sierra - you're never gonna have hip issues!)

Well, we still managed to play through the "fence" and I guess she tired herself out enough to pass out. Look at that sweetie pie! Can't wait to play with Sierra Rose!


The Musketeers said...

How cool ?! DWB friends in your house ! You guys will be soon playing with each other :)
No worries :)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I would LOVE to play with her too!

I have Khousin Merdie with me this weekend!

Sierra Rose is furry lukhky to have woo as part of her life!

PeeEssWoo: We LOVE The Froggy Doggy!

Unknown said...

I think sierra is the best friend you could have! She is so cute.

Unknown said...

Oh.. fabby pool moves.. I'd do that all day too!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sammie!
At first I thought it was raining there!
Sierra Rose is adorable!
Kisses and hugs

Diego Dog said...

That is so cool that you got to visit!!

Diego Dog

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh my, she's so cute! I hope you get to play properly soon.

Hi Ozzie!

Huffle Mawson

Princess Eva and Brice said...

We can feel the puppy softness and smell the puppy breath from here!

Scout and Freyja said...

Happy 4th of July. LET FREEDOM RING!

Duke said...

What a cutie Sierra Rose is! She looks like she'd be lots of fun to play with!
Have a happy 4th, Sammie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

What a great pool you had dear Samie!!!!!
Awwwwww.....we would love to be with you and playing togheter with your wonderfu football!!!
And Sierra Rose with you!!!!!!
What a great day!!!!!
She looks soooooooooo cute and beautiful.....hope you could play with she soon!!!!!
Have a great 4th of July!!!!!
We love you A LOT

Dexter said...

I hope you get to play with her soon. Babies need grown up doggies to show them the ropes.

I am most envious that your pool is totally full. Lazy Momma never wants to fill mine up because she says it is hard to empty later on.


Ms. ~K said...

Big kisses to you and Sierra Rose!

Angel Tucker, Daisy and Leo said...

Hey Sammie

Looks like you had fun in your pool. Is you Mommy afraid you will hurt Sierra Rose? When Daisy Tucker tried to roll on her, not realizing how big he was.

Tucker and Daisy

Abby said...

Hi, Sammie...

That's OK that the pool overflowed...Just more water to play in...

Sierra Rose is adorable...I'm sure you will have alot of playtime together...Teach her well...

Abby xxxooo

SEDONA said...

Hi Sammie,
I like your personal pool :-)
HOpe you & Sierra get to play together soon!
Your pal,

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Very cool that you two got to meet. Your pool looks like so much fun!!!

Chloe and Libby said...

Sammie your pool like so cool and refreshing, thanks but I'd pass on that one. Mommy says something about us Pei thinking we are going to melt if we get wet, so I'm steering clear of all water I can. I hid under the table yesterday during bath time, but she still found me. Doggone it!
Your friend Sierra looks like a lovely playmate. I hope you and she gets to play together really soon.

Checkers & Chess said...

That little Sierra Rose is so cute - why can't you play with her? Do they think you are too ruff? Happy 4th of July Sammie!

The Army of Four said...

Oooooh! A PUPPY!!! Isn't she adorable! You two would be awesome together! It won't be long before you can have a pool party!
Tail wags,

Sam said...

Sierra is CUTE! Why can't you guys play yet? Is she too young?

I love when they lay froggy style.

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

She soo very cute! You must be just dying to play with her!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Now, how awesome is that - you get to see Sierra Rose - two gorgeous goldie girls!!! We can't wait to see you two playing together.

woos, TD and Phantom

Thor and Jack said...

So cool you have Sierra Rose in your house! She´s so cute! You´ll be playing together soon!


Farley's Mom said...

What a perfect day! Your own swimming pool and a fur baby to play with :)

Sierra Rose said...

Hi Sammie and Sammie's mom!
Thanks for having me over and including me in your post! I had a very good time, and wag my tail so much in excitement to play! Hope to see you soon! I am really anxious to grow up a little more and get LOTS of play time in!!
Much love, and snaggle-tooth kisses!
Sierra Rose and her mom and dad

☮momoKo said...

Hi, Sammie!
Sierra Rose is cute.
I think comfortable in the water.

Unknown said...

Sammie, I also woof when the doorbell rings...surely that is one of the jobs us doggies are meant to do???

Aw - that Sierra is just so adorable - can't wait for the photos from when you can play with her!

Honey the Great Dane

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Oh the picture of you two kissing through the fence melts my heart!
Sierra Rose is sure adorable!

Unknown said...

She is super cute Sammie, almost as cute as you!

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Oh Sammie you are sooooo lucky!!!! I wish I could come and play with you too but I live waaaaay to far away!!!!

Kelly said...

Sierra is such a cutie! You'll get to play with her soon, don't worry!

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Oh pool! Love that!!! Sorry you didn't get to play with Sierra Rose. She is so furry furry cute!

Sam & June

Dog By Nature said...

Sierra is very cute, who wouldn't want to play with her! Nice pool too, looks like you contributed to the emptying of it too:)


Pedro said...


OMD Sarah Rose is sooooo cute! You two are the same color. Looks like you had a great time in your own personal pool!
