Doggies! Stretch out and start your mental engines for this one, kindly sent by Mason Dixie (Thanks Mason Dixie, for the opportunity to let others mock, er.... comment on how lovely you are!) Have fun and be sure to send me your pictures to
xo Sammie
Caturday Matinee: Water from the Sky!
9 hours ago
Wow! That's a side of Mason Dixie we've never seen. We cannot find words to put a description on this photo. Ew..... Scary!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Mason Dixie: "Do you mind? I need my beauty sleep!"
Sam & June
How about:
"I am saying cheese already! Do I need to bite you?"
It is a golden shark in training!
I am NOT getting up yet.
The J.A.Z. Pack
"Don't you think that I'm veryyyyyyyyyyyy cute?????
Eheheheheheheheh.....tryed to say no!!!!!!WAAWAAWWAAAAAWAAAA"
that is the Mason's thought!!!!! (for us)!!!
Woof! That's Mason Dixie!
Is she saying ... "Leave me alone ..."
Thanks for all the comments pups. I am trully honored for the turn out on my pic. =)
I would say "mom your missing the spot, scratch to my left not yours"
You doggies make me haarooo so loudly. Thanks again for all the witty, funny captions! Keep them coming and send YOUR pix too!
xo Love,
Ha! Ha! What a funny picture!
My caption suggestion is:
"When you're stuck between a pillow and a soft place, you have to just grin and bare it!"
Honey the Great Dane
What a tremendous photo. We are nonplussed by that expression and don't think a caption can do it justice.
Please tell your mom that my mom is a rookie, too. So, just keep at the obedience and read as much as you can. There's a really good website that showed Ms. Alpha what a 'real" obedience team looks like. And, on that website, are lots of really good things to read to learn how to do it better.
Make sure you watch the videos and read the Articles under "General". We learned so much so quickly!
Good luck,
Grandma, what big teeth woo have!
Woos, the OP Pack and Little Red Riding Hood.
HHHaaaaahaaaaa - more funnies (sorry Mason Dixie - it's a testament to your winning, jocular "smile"! And thanks, Fenway, for the info - I'll go check it out! Keep 'em coming! I'm working on a new post - you can't believe what I did this morning and it later required the V-E-T.
Licks, Sammie
Well, I have to add my own: "I'm gonna have a FIT if you don't bring me a Big Mac!"
.....or "i'm gonna have a BF....i'm gonna write a letter!" (you have to have seen White Chicks)
OR: "Do I have lipstick on my teefs?"
OR: "Stop it Alfie, no, stop, my Mom's watching!"
Ooh-er Missus, how saucy!
Slobbers xx
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